- Their report on the plans for nuclear war is a chilling document. 他們關於核戰爭的那份報告是很令人恐怖的文件。
- Those who seek peace cannot stand idly by as nations arm themselves for nuclear war. 希望和平的人不可在一些國家為發動核戰爭建立軍備時袖手旁觀。
- Plans for nuclear plants have been declassified. 建造核裝備的計劃已不再保密。
- Experience is their preparation for giving advice. 經驗為她們進行諮詢作了準備。
- The threat of nuclear war overhangs modern society. 當今社會瀰漫著核戰爭的危險
- The country armed itself in preparation for war. 該國正武裝起來準備打仗。
- Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war. 沒有人能想像出全面核子戰爭的後果。
- The preparation for his cough included camphor. 為醫治他的咳嗽而調製的葯中包括樟腦。
- It is obligatory upon us to protect the world from nuclear war. 保護世界免於核子戰爭是我們的義務。
- Likewise, preparation for a war game varies. 按不同野戰類型做不同的準備。
- They are preparing for war on a large scale. 他們正在大規模地備戰。
- A full-scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race. 全面的核子戰爭能導致人類的滅絕。
- International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Inc. 禁止核戰爭國際醫生組織。
- They have made good preparation for the upcoming elections. 他們對即將到來的選舉作了充分的準備。
- He didn't do any preparation for this exam, so he failed. 他考試前沒做任何準備,所以不及格。
- The whole world would be affected by a nuclear war. 整個世界都會受到核戰爭的波及。
- Hope for the best but be prepared for the worst. 抱樂觀的希望,作最壞的準備。
- Even so, they came close to nuclear war over Cuba. 即使這樣,古巴導彈危機還差點導致了核戰爭。
- He sharpened his knife in preparation for carving the meat. 他磨快了刀準備切肉。
- The prospect of nuclear war terrifies everyone. 想到未來的核子戰爭,人人心驚肉跳。