- Participate in set down annual audit plan. 參與制定公司內部年度審計計劃。
- Head of audit team is responsible for making the audit plan. 審核組長負責編製審核計劃.
- The Annual Audit Plan is presented to the President. 年審計劃要向總統報告。
- Establish the process and product audit plan and assures its implementation. 建立過程和產品審核計劃並確保審核計劃實施。
- The Management Representative then submits the audit plan for approval and the auditor(s) are responsible within their labor divisions. 審核計劃編製后,報管理者代表批准執行,審核員負責編製分工範圍的檢查表。
- A documented layered audit plan shall exist with a minimum frequency of once per shift. 文件證明的層狀審計計劃應一直存在,與最低頻率的每一次轉變。
- Assist Audit Director to perform Risk Assessment, interpreting information received to create Annual Audit Plan. 協助審計總監進行風險評估,並根據收集到的信息編製年度審計計劃。
- An audit team is established according to the audit plan; members of the audit team should be ensured qualified through training. 依據審核計劃成立審核組,審核組成員應是經過培訓取得資格。
- AQA will utilize a process audit approach for the conformance audit. The audit plan will focus on management processes and core processes. 在正審中採用過程方法審核。審核計劃著重於管理過程,核心過程。
- Develop and perfect local supplier audit plan, organize the supplier audit according to schedule, continuous improvement of QMS of suppliers. 發展和完善國內供應商審核計劃,按時組織審核,不斷改進供應商的品質管理體系。
- Issue periodical supplier audit plan and strictly follow, insure process in compliance with national GMP standard and GSK QMS requirements. 制定周期性審計計劃,保證符合國家GMP和QMS要求。
- Periodically provide information on the status and results of the annual audit plan and the sufficiency of department resources. 定期報告年度審計計劃的執行情況和結果以及部門資源是否充足。
- To conduct annual audit planning reviews with the Internal Auditors. 與內部核數師開展年度核數計劃審核。
- Based on the risk profiles of individual business units, the Division prepared an audit plan in which all the significant risks were adequately and systematically covered. 該處根據個別部門的風險狀況制定審核計劃,以適當及有系統地涵蓋所有高風險項目。
- Preliminary Audit Strategies and Its Errors in Recognition 初步審計策略及其認識上的偏差
- Be the interface with EHS Manager on statistics report, internal audit plan and implement, and EHS NC or finding, etc. Tracking or taking the corrective action of NC and finding. 負責EHS數據統計報告、內審計劃和實施情況、EHS不符合等事宜,向EHS經理報告。並跟蹤或實施不符合項及發現的問題的糾正措施和預防措施的完成。
- The specific processes, activities and functions reviewed are detailed in the Audit Planning Matrix and the Audit Plan. 經評審過的組織的過程、活動和功能詳細記錄在審核策劃矩陣圖和審核計劃上。
- When preparing the audit plan, the CPA should consider the possibility of the existence of error and fraud which would result in material misstatements in the financial statements. 在CPA進行審計計劃的時候,應該將存在錯誤和舞弊的可能性考慮進來因為這些可觀上的錯誤和主觀上的舞弊將有可能導致財務報表的重大錯報。
- A preliminary draft or record of a transaction. 條約草案合約的預備性的草案或紀錄
- Your contract with SGS is an integral part of this audit plan and details confidentiality arrangements, audit scope, information on follow up activities and any special reporting requirements. 審核計劃,保密承諾,審核範圍,跟進審核信息以及任何特別的報告要求都會做為組織與SGS的合同的組成部分。