- R ratio to total posterior wall excursion(R/PWE) was also decreased,while the slow filling fraction(SFF) and arterial filly fration(AFF) were increased correspondingly. 而慢充盈分數 (SFF) ,心房充盈分數 (AFF)卻相應增加。
- posterior wall excursion (左室)後壁(總)幅度, 後壁偏移(超聲心動圖)
- posterior left ventricular endocardial wall excursion 左室後壁內膜面移動度
- Methods The secretion of pharynx posterior wall were collected and cultivated and the drug sensitiveness test was made. 方法咽炎組用無菌棉拭子取56例慢性咽炎患者咽後壁分泌物進行細菌培養和葯敏試驗,並以33例健康成年人咽拭子標本為對照。
- Methods 42 cases with simple rectocele were treated by Xiaozhiling injection under mucosa of posterior wall of rectum. 方法42例單純性直腸前突患者,採用直腸前壁黏膜下注射消痔靈注射液的方法治療。
- Results: The thickness of thyropharyngeal muscle in pharynx posterior wall was reduced. 結果:甲咽肌在咽後壁的厚度由上而下逐漸減小;
- We presented a 46 years old woman with posterior wall RVF after the rectal cancer surgery. 我們在此提出一位四十六歲女性,在經過直腸癌手術之後,發現有直腸陰道後壁瘺管。
- Objective:To evaluate the effect of double repair of simple rectocele trans rectum and posterior wall of vagina. 目的:觀察經陰道後壁直腸和陰道雙重修補法治療單純直腸前突的效果。
- Septal (SW) and posterior wall (PW) thickness, thickening, quantitative myocardial blood flow (MBF), and MBF reserve were measured. 分別測量間隔和後壁的厚度,厚的部份,數量心肌血流量和心肌血流量的儲備。
- Before operation, malrotation was diagnosed from the x-ray films.Laparotomy disclosed a linear perforation on the posterior wall of the gastric body. 本報告系一患有法洛氏四合症之新生兒在三天大時被發現腹漲,手術前診斷為腸旋轉不良,開發時卻發現在胃體之後壁有一處五公分之直線破裂,並有膽汁溢出。
- ResultsSoft tissue of nasopharyngeal posterior wall all showed various degree incrassation,A/N in all 90 patients were more than 0.71. 結果鼻咽頂後壁軟組織均有不同程度的增厚;90例患兒的A/N比值均大於0.;71。
- Of 8 cases, 3 cases with the tumors occurred in nasal cavities, 1 in maxillary sinus, 2 in nasopharynx, 1 in posterior wall of oropharynx. 3例死亡,其中1例在出院2年後死於局部複發,1例3年後死於多發性骨髓瘤,1例2年後死於心臟病;失訪1例。
- Objective:To discuss the blood supply of the Posterior wall of gastric fundus,the abdominal segment of esophagus, the cardia and the naming of these blood vessels at this area. 目的:研究胃底後壁、賁門及食管腹段後壁的血液供應與該區動、靜脈的命名。
- As far as the thickness of substantia compacta of tibia wall is concerned, the medial wall islarger than the lateral one and margo anterior is larger than POsterior wall. 結果表明:就脛骨密質厚度而言、內側壁大於外側壁,前嵴大於後壁,這與人類的活動特點有關。
- Results Of 18 cases,11 cases were in the piriform fossa,5 cases were in the postcricoid region and 2 cases were in the posterior wall of laryngeal pharynx. 結果18例喉咽癌位於梨狀窩11例、環狀軟骨後區5例和咽後壁2例,呈等密度或混雜密度軟組織腫塊,增強呈輕度強化;
- Method;The posterior wall of bladder neck were cut and sutured into taper tube, which were then pulled out to perineum and sutured to urethral meatus to replace the urethra. 方法:自膀胱頸后唇向上,取梯字形壁瓣,形成錐狀管,經膀胱頸口,自陰道前壁外拉至外陰部,在原尿道外口處固定,替代尿道。
- Methods:67 cases with simple rectocele were treated by incision of posterior wall of vagina,suture of anterior wall of rectum in column and repair of posterior wall of vagina. 方法:67例單純直腸前突患者,採用經陰道後壁切開,直腸前壁行柱狀縫扎,陰道後壁修補的方法。結果:67例單純直腸前突患者,術后64例(95。
- Main hall of the posterior wall murals of Guanyin, Yitai dignified and beautiful, wearing white, Wanran such as yarn, Panicum Jingping, Cuise such as the new. 正殿後壁觀音壁畫,儀態端莊優美,身披白衣,宛然如紗,凈瓶柳枝,翠色如新。
- Objective To investigate the relationship between the mechanism of injuries,type,and prognosis of sciatic nerve associated with acetabular posterior wall fracture and dislocation. 目的探討髖臼後壁骨折伴髖關節后脫位合併坐骨神經損傷的創傷機制、類型和預后關係。
- Panendoscopy revealed a protruding mass, measuring about 6 cm in diameter, with central ulceration and adherent blood clot located over the posterior wall of the cardia. 胃鏡檢查顯示在賁門處有一6公分之黏膜下腫瘤伴隨有潰瘍出血之情形。