- Mode Changes of Postal Remittance Accounting in the Connection of Postal Deposit Network and Remittance Network 兩網互通工程中郵政匯兌會計核算變化研究
- I was a combination Sorbonne student and remittance man. 我當時是巴黎大學文理學院的學生,靠家人的匯款為生。
- One could deposit and lend securities. 他們可以存款放債。
- How much are the deposit and the handling charge? 押金和手續費多少錢?
- Can I get some deposit and withdrawal slips? 可以給我幾張存款單和提款單嗎?
- Major services of Guangzhou Post are the mail (commerce letters included), EMS express mail, e-commerce, logistics distribution, postal saving and remittance. 廣州郵政的主要業務是信函(含商業函件)、EMS特快專遞、電子商務與物流配送、郵政儲蓄和匯兌等。
- You can pay 100 pounds deposit and the balance within 60 days. 你可先支付100英鎊的保證金,其餘欠款可在60天之內支付。
- Here's the deposit and the interest 230 dollars in all. 這是存款本金和利息共230美元。
- Our application allows customers to deposit and withdraw money. 這個應用程序允許客戶存錢和取錢。
- Ensure an up to date cash flow projection is maintained and maximizes cash flow performance of the hotel through controls on inventory, credit and collection, disbursements, deposits and remittances. 通過控制存貨、應收賬款、待攤費用、預付款以及匯款維持合理的現金流量,使酒店的現金流量最優化。
- I'll pay you a hundred dollars deposit and the remainder on delivery. 我將付你一佰元定金,其餘款項在交貨時付訖。
- I want to be ionized and electric shocked, twitch, deposit and somniloquy. 我想電離我想打擊我想抽搐我想沉積我還想夢囈!!
- Management of cash: cash deposit and withdrawing by routine requirement. 現金管理:根據公司常規要求提存現金。
- Each pay is a record of deposits and withdrawals. 每次支付都是存款與取款的記錄。
- Both lateritic gold deposit and gossan gold deposit are of wearthering origin. 紅土型金礦床、鐵帽型金礦床同屬風化淋濾成因的殘坡積表生金礦床。
- As to the account sale and remittance for the proceeds,we shall act for you in the way named. 至於銷售報告書與應付款項,我方將遵照貴公司指示辦理。
- Your order will be arranged the day after receiving both your Order Confirmation and remittance, thank you! 我公司與您聯繫的工作人員的代碼我們將在收到您的確認函及確定您的匯款信息的當日安排發貨,謝謝!
- Unilateral transactions include pensions, and remittances. 單邊交易包括:年金和匯款。
- As to the account sale and remittance for the proceeds, we shall act for you in the way named. 至於銷售報告書與應付款項,我方將遵照貴公司指示辦理。
- Handle deposits and loansof the Rural Credit Cooperatives. 辦理農村信用社存款和貸款。