- The due process clause requires state jurisdiction to tax. 正當程序條款要求州具有稅收管轄權。
- Nu Lu Shuixian state jurisdiction, Fugong County, Lanping County and Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County. 怒江州轄瀘水縣、福貢縣、蘭坪縣和貢山獨龍族、怒族自治縣。
- Wye Road dang state jurisdiction, Gong-liang, and Rong, Zhouqu County Road to the case of pregnant and Fujin County. 宕州轄懷道、良恭、和戎,舟曲地屬懷道縣和福津縣地。
- During 1997,501 port state control inspections were conducted on foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九七年內,海事處對抵港的外來商船所進行的港口國監督檢查,共達501次。
- During 1998,816 port state control inspections were conducted on the foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九八年內,海事處對抵港的外來商船所進行的港口國監督檢查,共達816次。
- During 1997, 501 port state control inspections were conducted on foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九七年內,海事處對抵港的外來商船所進行的港口國監督檢查,共達501次。
- During 1998, 816 port state control inspections were conducted on the foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九八年內,海事處對抵港的外來商船所進行的港口國監督檢查,共達816次。
- PSC inspection stands for Port State Control Inspection. I have the experience of PSC. But no deficiency has been found. 檢查表示港口國檢查。我經歷過。
- On the other hand, the Port State Control detention rates for the Hong Kong registered ships remain well below the world averages. 另一方面,香港註冊船隻的港口國監督滯留率亦遠低於世界平均比率的水平。
- This article also analyses the execution of the regulation, describes the statistics of the regional GMDSS Port State Control (PSC) inspection. 本文較全面地分析了中國的GMDSS立法情況及執法狀況。
- The change of attitudes of the rulers reveals the tension of the conflict between the Confucian thought of filiality and righteousness and the traditional Chinese doctrine of state jurisdiction. 其態度的變化反映了儒家孝義思想與傳統中國國家司法主義之間矛盾的日益凸顯。
- The defect source of actual system can be accurately judged by constructing the system defect judgment matrix and combining with PLC port state. 該方法通過構造系統的故障判別矩陣,並結合埠的狀態,通過運算可以準確地判別系統的故障源。
- Early Tang Dynasty published Loufan state jurisdiction, Tian Chi, Chi Hyun 3 Wrangler supervisor for the northern border Tang Ma main source from time to time, "Jia Tianxia Loufan Horse" that. 唐初憲州轄樓煩、天池、玄池三處牧馬監,為唐北邊疆軍馬主要來源地,時有「婁煩駿馬甲天下」之謂。
- The redundant servers and equipment are also outside of United States jurisdiction. 冗餘伺服器和設備也在美國管轄區之外。
- It has a long name: the Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. 這份條約的名字很長:關於港口國家防止,抑制和消除非法、未報告和無管制捕撈措施的條約。
- It has a long name: the agreement Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishingFishing. 它有一個很長的名字叫做州立港口組織為阻止,制止和消除非法,不報告的,無規律性捕魚協議。
- To the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the territory belonged to Taiyuan Housefen zhou House, Pingyang House and Liaoshen states, Pingding state, Huozhou Chihli state jurisdiction. 至明清時期,境內分屬太原府、汾州府、平陽府和遼州、平定州、霍州直隸州管轄。
- "The scheme serves as a guide and sets a minimum standard for countries which wish to develop new port state controls or strengthen those already on the books," says Swan. 「該計劃作為一項指南,為希望制定新的港口國管制規則或加強已有的明文規定的各國確定了最低標準,」斯旺說。
- By contrast, United States' jurisdiction over Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines and Cuba were all ended by treaties or other affirmative actions of the United States Government. 相對之下,美國對波多黎各、島、律賓及古巴的管轄權,全數經過條約或美國政府的其他具體行動而終止。
- The port Authorities all over the world have established Port State Control systems and enhanced the inspections at the Port in order to avoid substandard ships. 為了避免低於法定標準船舶的營運,世界所有的港口當局已經建立了港口國控制系統,並加強了在本國港口的檢查。