- A plot to assassinate the President was uncovered. 暗殺總統的陰謀被發覺。
- The police exposed a criminal plot to assassinate the President. 警察破了一個行刺總統的陰謀。
- Esther's uncle heard of a plot to assassinate the King. 末底改得悉一個暗殺王的陰謀,於是便通知以斯帖。
- A plot to assassinate the President was uncovered by government agents. 刺殺總統的陰謀被政府特工人員發覺了。
- A plot to assassinate the banker has been uncovered by the police. 暗殺銀行家的密謀被警方偵破了。
- The Secret Service smelled out a plot to assassinate the President. 情報部門發現了行刺總統的陰謀。
- The police have uncovered a plot to assassinate the President. 警察已破獲一起暗殺總統的陰謀。
- The government has learned of a plot to assassinate the Governor. 政府已獲悉了一條暗殺總督的陰謀。
- The police has uncovered a plot to assassinate the president. 警察已破獲一起暗殺總統的陰謀。
- Esther』s uncle heard of a plot to assassinate the King. 以斯帖的叔叔得悉一個暗殺王的陰謀,於是便通知以斯帖,她馬上報告她的丈夫,王。
- A plot to assassinate the president is uncovered by government agent. 刺殺總統的陰謀被政府特工人員發覺了。
- Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist branch has uncovered a plot to assassinate the Queen. 倫敦警察廳防空部署偵破了一起企圖暗殺女王的陰謀。
- In Paris, 1940, while HItler is giving a speech, a plot to assassinate him is set in motion. 1940年,在巴黎,當希特勒正在演講時,有一個對他的暗殺計劃正在蓄謀。
- Cruise plays a Colonel who helps hatch a plot to assassinate Adolph Hitler at the height of the war. 湯姆克魯斯在該片片中飾演一名上校,在二戰最激烈之時協助秘密策劃來暗殺希特勒。
- He was executed in 1887for plotting to assassinate the tsar. 他因密謀暗殺沙皇在1887年被判處極刑。
- A plot to assassinate Ugyen Wangchuck was hatched and letters and bribes sent to the senior officers of Ugyen Wangchuck. 那些人開始陰謀暗殺旺秋寫信給旺秋的身邊官員,並且開始賄賂旺秋的高級部下。
- The ATF says it has broken up a plot to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 102 black people in a Tennessee murder spree. 美國ATF稱他們粉碎了一起預謀行刺民主黨候選人奧巴馬,槍殺或斬首102名黑人的田納西州狂歡陰謀。
- Cruise earlier this month began shooting "Valkyrie", a film about a failed plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944, in which he portrays Nazi-resistance hero Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg. 克魯斯於本月早些時候開始拍攝電影《刺殺希特勒》。這部影片講述的是1944年密謀刺殺阿道夫·希特勒未遂的故事,克魯斯在其中飾演一位德國反納粹英雄史陶芬伯格上校。
- "Lust, Caution," based on a 26-page short story by famed Chinese writer Eileen Chang, is about a group of patriotic students who plot to assassinate the intelligence chief in the Japanese-backed Chinese government during the World War II era. 《色·戒》改編自張愛玲26頁的短篇小說,內容講述了二戰期間一群愛國學生試圖刺殺親日派汪精衛政府中的一名情報高官。
- Their plot to overthrow the government was crushed. 他們企圖推翻政府的陰謀被粉碎了。