- "Please take your seat, Mr. Richards. "請坐下吧,理查茲先生。
- Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. 女士們,先生們,請就座。
- Please take your seats and shut the (expletive) up. 請你們入座,還有收聲(咒罵語)了。
- Right, please take your seat. 好,請上車。
- Please take your seat. 請坐下。
- If you are coming, please take your seats early to help project the atmosphere and to show your appreciation to a favourite Chelsea son. 如果您來觀看比賽,請您提前坐好,來幫助我們烘托起比賽的氣氛,並且和我們一起感謝我們切爾西的「寶貝」。
- Roy: Hello. Take your seat ,please. 羅伊:早安,請坐。
- Could you please take the seat according to your seat number? 您能按座位號入座嗎?
- Please take a moment to locate the life vest under your seat. 請花一些時間找到您所在座位下的救生衣。
- Take your seat and go and sit behind Tom. 找個座位去坐到湯姆的後面。
- Take your seat for the second sit. 第二批就餐的人請就座。
- Take your seat before the bell rings. 上課鈴響之前在位置上坐好;
- Yes,but please take your valuables with you. 可以,但貴重物品請隨身攜帶。
- Please take your English book with you. 請把你的英語書帶上。
- Please take your business cards. 請帶名片出席!
- Please take your car in the parking lot. 請把車停在停車場。
- Come and take your seat in the bosom of the limitless, my child. 來,坐在無垠的胸膛上,我的孩子。
- Please take your luggage with you at all times. 請隨身攜帶你的行李。
- Please take your notebook with you. 請隨身帶著筆記本。
- Please take your personal belongings! 請帶好隨身物品!