- One shall never make one 's debut with a scandal; one shall reserve that to give interest to one 's old age . 切勿以醜聞登台亮相,這是應該留下來以娛晚年的。
- One shall never make one 's debut with a scandal; one shall reserve that to give interest to one 's old age. 切勿以醜聞登台亮相,這是應該留下來以娛晚年的。
- Planning for their old age gives people an aim in life. 人們若為自己的暮年做安排, 會使生活有目標。
- Responsible to establish the forecasting sales plan for one,three,five years . 負責編製公司一年、三年、五年預測銷售計劃。
- One may tune into Earth for the Divine Plan for one's own unfolding life in the choice to ascend. 你可以為了你自己在提升選擇中演變生命的神性藍圖而調諧到地球。
- Few young people would plan for their old age because it seems so distant to them. 極少年輕人會為自己的晚年作計劃,這在他們看來是很遙遠的事情。
- Thus, while a fatty diet and smoking may mean early death for one man, another can puff away, gorge on steaks and banana splits and still live to a ripe old age. 因此,有可能脂肪含量大的飲食以及吸煙的習慣會讓某人早逝,而另一個卻不一樣,即使嗜吃牛排和香蕉聖代卻依然能活得好好的。
- Old age disabled him for hard labour. 年邁使他不能幹繁重的工作。
- One should save money for againsting old age. 人得存錢防老。
- make provision for one's old age 為他日養老而預做準備
- I'm under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘約要在這裡教一年書。
- The thief was put into prison for one year. 小偷被監禁一年。
- The dowry will be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally. 如果她沒有無節制地花錢,她亡夫的遺產是夠她晚年用的。
- The plan for a new hospital bids fair to succeed. 興建新醫院的計劃有希望成功。
- Her widowhood condemns her to a lonely old age. 守寡使她不得不過著孤獨的晚年生活。
- This is a plan for the fortification of the city. 這是一個加強城市防禦的計劃。
- I've struck on a plan for solving the problem. 我突然想起一個解決這個問題的辦法。
- A bodily ailment or weakness, especially one brought on by old age. 虛弱身體上的疾病或虛弱,尤指老齡帶來的
- Finally he relinquish his plan for want of business. 因生意需要彼得只好放棄計劃。
- He was exiled from the country for one year. 他被放逐一年。