- My brother-in-law bought some pirated CDs at a night market! 我的小叔在夜市買了一些盜版的CD.
- The sale of pirated discs has been banned. 禁止出售盜版光碟。
- The pirated discs were banned to the great satisfaction of the people. 這些盜版碟片被禁毀了,真是大快人心。
- Thailand is Asia's largest production base for pirated CDs, with an annual production of60 million copies. 泰國是亞洲最大的盜版CD生產基地,年產量可達六千萬張。
- Even though the pirated CDs seem cheaper than the official ones, yet they are illegal and should be rejected. I 『m the advocate who support the development official ones. 雖然盜版CD看起來比正版便宜,但是它們是非法的,因此應該被拒絕。我就是正版的擁護者。
- It also argued that Chinese law was not harsh enough on counterfeiting and set too high a value on pirated discs before prosecuting violators. 美方還主張,中國的打假法律不夠嚴厲,對於是否起訴違法者設定的盜版光碟價值門檻定得過高。
- During the year,14 optical disc production lines worth $69.1 million and 16.5 million copies of pirated discs worth $297.38 million were seized. Officers arrested 2 701 persons. 年內,共搗破14條價值6;910萬元的光碟生產線,檢獲1650萬隻價值2.;9738億元的盜版光碟,並拘捕2701人。
- During the year, 14 optical disc production lines worth $69.1 million and 16.5 million copies of pirated discs worth $297.38 million were seized. Officers arrested 2 701 persons. 年內,共搗破14條價值6;910萬元的光碟生產線,檢獲1650萬隻價值2.;9738億元的盜版光碟,並拘捕2701人。
- All those underground plants that manufacture piratic CDs must be closed down. 所有製造盜版光碟的地下 工廠都必須查封.
- In July, for instance, the MPAA and foreign government officials wrapped up "Operation Red Card," which resulted in the seizure of some 6.7 million pirated discs in 12 countries across the Asia-Pacific region. 如今年7月,該聯合會與外國政府聯合發起了一項名為「紅牌行動」的反盜版行動,結果在亞太地區的12個國家內查獲出了大約670萬張盜版光碟。
- In the past I remember telling you that in Korea they don』t have Korean movies on pirated discs, only Chinese movies on pirated discs, and they boastfully say: Hong Kong and China are not our markets! 以前已經跟大家講過在韓國是沒有翻版韓國電影光碟的,只有中國電影才有,他們可以誇下海口的說:香港和中國都不是我們的市場!
- All those underground plants that manufactur -e piratic CDs must be closed down. 製造盜版CD的地下工廠都必須查封.
- It appeared that copyright pirates were turning to smaller scale operations by setting up copying workshops equipped with CD-writers to manufacture pirated discs. 出現了一些從事盜版活動的不法之徒轉為設立規模較小的盜版工場,使用光碟燒錄機製造盜版光碟。
- Besides, the major counterfeiting and piracy cases with serious consequences will be smashed in a forceful manner.The campaign gives its top priority to pirate CDs and trademark infringements. 行動中,以知識產權權利人反映強烈、情節嚴重、影響惡劣的重大侵權案件作為突破口,積極行動,狠狠打擊侵犯知識產權的違法犯罪分子。
- Border patrol team in Putian, Fujian recently attacked an underground warehouse selling pirated disks, apprehending 8 suspects and seizing 200,000 copies of disks. 近日,福建省莆田市邊防支隊搗毀了一個特大銷售盜版光碟的窩點,抓獲8名犯罪嫌疑人,查獲各類盜版光碟20多萬張。
- In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. 在視頻光碟上,一種連續的幀序列。
- An identification record for a tape or disk file. 磁帶或磁碟文件的標識說明記錄。
- The computer disk is sent in a sealed container. 計算機軟盤裝在密封的盒裡寄出。
- I have no disk that may interest you. 我沒有一張唱片能引起你的興趣。
- Cracking down on smuggling of pirated compact discs. 嚴厲打擊盜版光碟走私活動。