- Closer settings of lap selvedge guides. 棉卷邊緣導向器隔距太小。
- Bind off all sts very loosely using one size larger needle with picot bind off. 織至所需長度后織8行下針(即4行疙瘩),鬆鬆地以狗牙邊收針,可用比織披肩正身大一號的針來收針。
- Solid Nightdress with button+emb/applieque+bow+sequins, picot stitching at sleeve hem.It is with placket. (結實睡衣;鈕扣+繡花+嵌花+弓紋+飾片); 袖邊縫製小圓環;帶口袋.
- No rough selvedge will occur and the mouth or bottom of the bottle products, which saves the cost of the raw material. 瓶口瓶底無毛邊廢料產生,節約原料。
- A design sample must show both the vertical and horizontal directions as well as the position of the selvedge. 花樣必須明確經緯方向及布邊方位。
- The article discusses the reasons of tight selvedge of V/F mixed fabric, and raises relevant solving methods. 本文探討了粘麻交織物產生緊邊問題的原因,並提出了相應的解決辦法。
- Buyers' wording for selvedge stamping should be made known to the mills in detail for their approval before production. 買方邊字須於貨物生產前詳細告知工廠並徵得工廠的同意。
- The solutions of selvedge thickening during mercerizing developed by Benniger AG are described. 描述了由瑞士貝南格公司開發的絲光處理中布邊增厚的解決方案。
- The Willow-Wren was twittering his thin little song, hidden himself in the dark selvedge of the river bank. 鷦鷯躲在漆黑的河岸邊,發出吱吱的尖叫聲。
- It is applicable to weave high-strength paper making felt base web with true selvedge,especially r... 該機適用於織造造紙用聚酯單層、多層成形網、干網以及其他行業用過濾網、壓榨網等。...
- In order to reduce cost,improve jean's appearance,it reforms technics of jean's selvedge and waste selvedge. 為降低成本提高牛仔布的外觀形象,使產品上一個檔次,對牛仔布布邊及廢邊工藝進行改進。
- In silk production, it is applicable to testing tension of yarn or fabric, measuring fabric selvedge, silk fibre diameter, or dynamic fabric width. 絲綢生產中可用於絲或織物的張力檢測,織物邊緣測定,絲纖維直徑測定,織物門幅動態測定等。
- The paper introduces how to design a good selvedge on gripper-projectile looms in theory and offers the experience for reference. 文章對在片梭織機上如何處理好布邊的問題作了一些理論上的探討,並介紹了一些經驗。
- We specialize in gray fabric with high density and wide breadth. and is the nation best manufacturer of width fabric with closed selvedge. 我們的特色就是生產高支高密特寬幅面料,是全國生產特寬幅光邊坯布質量最好的廠家。
- It analyses some device reason of rough selvedge on shuttle loom.It points out how to solve such defects and technical measures and work methods. 分析有梭織機毛邊產生的原因,提出改進措施和改進方法,指出解決疑難疵點的方向。
- It is usually use crochet form for weaving selvedge on gripper-projectile looms,but it leads to weft density double and thickness increased. 片梭織機上的布邊通常採用鉤邊形式,但鉤邊形式使布邊的緯密增大,厚度也增加,造成布邊與布身不相適應,給生產造成困難。
- This article analyzed the main causes for weaving selvedge defects on rapier weaving machine and supplied some effective methods to eliminate them. 分析了劍桿織機邊部織疵產生的主要原因,並提出了消除邊部織疵的具體方法。
- Abstract: This article analyzed the main causes for weaving selvedge defects on rapier weaving machine methods to eliminate them. 作者簡介:郭金燕,女,1980年出生,2002年畢業於太原理工大學,助理工程師。陳紅宇,男,1978年出生,2002年畢業於太原理工大學,助理工程師。
- The paper introduces the cause of forming small torn selvedge defect in weaving viscose fine plain and the measures for improving. 介紹了織造粘膠細布過程中所產生的小爛邊疵點的成因及改進措施。
- It is easy to deal with the selvedge while the fabric texture is simple by traditional shuttle looms,if the fabric texture is complicated, it will be difficult. 有梭織機在織比較簡單組織的織物時,布邊處理非常容易,但織複雜組織織物時,相對難以處理。