- Based on the conventional digital photoelastic method, this dissertation developed a digital dynamic photoelastic system to record the dynamic photoelastic fringe patterns. 本文是以數位光彈法為基礎,架設一套數位動態光彈系統來拍攝動態光彈條紋。
- photoelastic fringe pattern 光彈性條紋圖,光彈性條紋圖樣
- When holographic interferometry is applied to photoelastic testing of experimental stress analysis, a complex stress fringe pattern can be obtained by unpolarized or circularly polarized light. 全息干涉法應用於實驗應力分析的光彈性試驗時,當用非線偏振光或用園偏振光時,能得到一幅複雜的應力條紋圖,它是表徵主應力和的等和條紋族和表徵主應力差條紋族的組合。
- Based on the modulation ordering, a novel phase unwrapping algorithm for measurement of photoelastic fringe orders in the whole field of a model is put forward. 根據調製度排序,提出了一個新的用於模型全場光彈條紋級次測量的位相展開方法,並進行了實驗驗證。
- We propose a novel method to obtain speckle fringe patterns of ESPI from undeformed and deformed speckle patterns. 本文基於變形前和變形后的散斑圖,提出一種獲得電子散斑干涉條紋圖的新穎方法。
- Four images of the projected fringe patterns with phase shift at 90-degree interval for a cycle are taken from the CCD camera. 接著以CCD相機擷取四張投射光學條紋影像,此四張影像在一個周期中的相位移角間距各為90度。
- When excimer laser irradiate phase masks, the periodic fringe patterns are formed in near-field, exposing fiber to it, in core gratings can be induced. 準分子激光照射相位掩模后,在近場形成周期的條紋分佈,利用近場光強對光敏光纖進行曝光,可以在纖芯中寫人光柵。
- Each man took turns slowly pushing the stone, while continuously observing the fringe pattern. 每人輪流緩慢地推動石頭座使其旋轉,同時連續地觀察條紋圖樣。
- The results show that this technique is capable of significantly improving the quality of fringe patterns.It works well as a pre-processing for the fringe patterns by ESPI. 結果表明該技術能夠顯著改善條紋圖的質量,是一種行之有效的電子散斑干涉條紋圖的預處理方法。
- In classical photo-elastic analysis, the fringe patterns resulted from photoelasticity were drawn by man, the stress was calculated point by point, so analysis course was complex. 傳統光彈性分析需手工描繪條紋,並逐點求得應力,分析過程較為繁瑣。
- The accurate center location of fringe pattern is vital to measurement accuracy of interferometric method. 摘要 干涉條紋中心的定位精度對於干涉法的測量精度至關重要。
- The phase unwrapping process of fringe pattern can be achieved without any priori information or manual intervention. 該方法更充分利用條紋圖像信息,演算法穩健,可以實現完全自動的二維位相展開。
- New Method for Interferogram Fringe Pattern Analysis Based on Fourier Transform Meathod[J]. 引用該論文 王雨雷;呂志偉;王岩;何偉明.
- Phase Indeterminacy in Phase Analysis Methods for Spatial Carrier Fringe Pattern[J]. 引用該論文 鍾金剛;張永林;李豐麗;狄紅衛.
- First, the fringe pattern with sinusoidal intensity is generated by a computer program and projected onto the object surface by a LCD projector. 首先利用電腦程式產生正弦強度分佈的光學條紋圖案,以LCD投影機將其投射於待測物表面。
- ATOS flowing optical scanner with the fringe pattern theory is a kind of advanced and non-contacted of equipment in reverse engineering. Atos流動式光學掃描儀基於光柵原理,是逆向工程領域中一種先進的非接觸式光學掃描設備。
- The arithmetic includes image preprocess(i.e. noise extraction of image),gray image binarization and fringe pattern sharpening. 演算法包括圖像的預處理(即圖像的雜訊提取)、圖像的二值化及圖像的細化。
- Traditional speckle fringe patterns by electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) are inherently noisy and of limited visibility, so denoising is the key problem in ESPI. 原始的電子散斑干涉條紋圖中含有很強的顆粒性雜訊,對比度很差,因此去除雜訊是電子散斑干涉測量技術的關鍵問題。
- In digital speckle interferometry, inhomogeneous illumination on or reflection from a tested object will lead to inhomogeneous fringe pattern, and even make the fringe missing. 在數字散斑干涉測量中,照明光的不均勻或被測試物反射光的不均勻,會導致條紋圖像不均勻,嚴重時甚至會引起條紋的丟失。
- When Fourier transform is used to demodulate the modulated fringe pattern, the phase of deformation is calculated and furthermore the deformation is measured accurately. 利用傅里葉變換法,解調出了變形場的相位,從而實現了物體變形場的精確測量。