- In this thesis we investigate the chaotic dynamics in the curved space-time in the phase space (?) and using the Poincare section method. 本文將廣義相對論與非線性動力學理論結合起來,同時主要運用相空間技術和彭加萊截面方法研究了彎曲時空中的混沌動力學問題。
- By calculating the Euclidian dis-tances of the phase point in phase space, both the phase density and the phase variance are defined and compared with correlation dimension which reflects the chaotic features of nonlinear dynamics system. 通過計算相空間狀態點間的歐氏距離,定義相對嵌入維數的態密度和態方差,並與反映非線性動力學系統混沌特徵的關聯維數作比較。
- Calculation of some nonlinear index of EEG based on phase space reconstruction is important for study of brain. 摘要在腦電序列相空間重構的基礎上計算非線性測度是研究大腦功能和狀態的重要方法。
- A regression model of phase space for predicting smoothed value of M(3000) FZ factor is presented in the paper. 本文給出了傳播因子M(3000)F2流動均值的新預報方法-相空間回歸模型。
- In hyper dimensional phase space, similar sequence repeatability (RPT) of speech are calculated. 研究語音的相似序列重複度及其熵信息,分析比較了語音信號在相空間中的非線性特徵。
- The method involves principal components analysis, phase space reconstruction and least squares estimate. 方法包括3部分:主分量分析,相空間重構,最小二乘擬合。
- This new method with chaos phase space reconstruction was proved to be efficient and available to forecast abso... 證明了這種基於混沌相空間重構技術的新方法處理已有的瓦斯等級鑒定結果,預測來年的絕對和相對瓦斯湧出量是可行、可靠的。
- Because of their anomalistic locus,it is difficult for the phase space reconstruction. 其相空間軌跡變得極不規則,更難於相空間重構;
- By delay method, the phase space of the system is reconstructed from the time series of the experimental data. 摘要用延遲方法、由實驗得到的時間序列重構系統的相空間,繪製了人體心搏吸引子。
- Let us consider, for example the initial phase space for higher orders of multiple scattering. 比如,讓我們考慮更高級序的多重散射的初始相空間。
- The data for experimentation was got from Internet,and the model was established with the reconstructed phase space and Kalman. 實驗數據通過網路獲取,模型採用的是相空間重構與卡爾曼濾波計算的方法來對超短期匯率數據進行建模和預測,並與BP神經網路模型進行了比較。
- By using the Euclidian distances of the phase point in phase space, both the phase density and the phase variance are calculated. 利用狀態空間點間的歐氏距離來計算腦電狀態空間的態密度和態方差.
- Based on this, a shortterm forecasting chaos neural network (NN) model of WWTP influent was built by phase space reconstruction. 在此基礎上,通過相空間重構的方法建立了用於城市污水水量短時預測的混沌神經網路模型;
- A fault diagnosis method based on singular spectrum analysis is described based on the reconstructed attractor in reconstructed phase space. 在重構相空間重構吸引子的基礎上,提出一種基於奇異譜分析的設備故障診斷方法。
- Modeling this region of the metastable phase space right after radiation has been applied promises to be a new and exciting area of research. 在使用放射線后建造亞穩相區域的模型有望成為一個令人激動的新研究領域。」
- Nonlinear adaptive prediction of chaotic signals, which is a new concept that is clearlydifferent from the chaotic prediction theory based on phase space, is proposed. (3)首次研究了超混沌、時空混沌信號的非線性自適應預測問題,它們的非線性自適應預測性能主要取決於預測器的非線性表達能力和自適應演算法的選擇,與其它因素無關;
- The quantum phase-space representation established by Torres-Vega and Frederick is discussed. It is described that the wave-functions are not unique in phase space. 探討了Torres-Vega和Frederick量子相空間表象的特徵,並揭示了相空間中波函數的不唯一性。
- Abstract: It is well known that for functional differential equation with finite delay, its phase space always structured by continuous function together with supremum norm. 摘 要: 眾所周知,對於有限時滯的泛函微分方程,其相空間幾乎都是採用連續函數加上確界模所構成的空間;
- An new method for fast fading channel prediction using Recurrent Least Squares Support Vector Machines (RLS-SVM) combined with reconstructed embedding phase space is investigated. 該文探討了利用相空間重構和支持向量機進行衰落通道非線性預測演算法。
- The Berry phase, AB effect and AC effect on the noncommutative phase space, which means the coordinate and momentum both are noncommutative, is studied. 接著研究了非對易空間中的量子力學相,給出了非對易效應對相位的修正。