- phase-portrait近似Phase-portrait approximation
- 不完全韻(love, move, phase, race等)imperfect rhyme
- 不完全韻(love,move,phase,race等)imperfect rhyme
- 我可以獲得部署或自定義Office Project 2007的幫助嗎?Can I get help deploying or customizing Office Project 2007?
- 不完全韻(love, move, phase, race 等)imperfect rhyme
- 日曆Microsoft Project 98在一個日曆上僅支持三個輪換。Calendars Microsoft Project 98 supports only three shifts on a calendar.
- 史蒂夫·里奇和他的《鋼琴相位》(Piano Phase,1967)Steve Reich and His Piano Phase
- Project基於每個任務的三個工期值的加權平均值估計單個項目工期。Project estimates a single project duration based on a weighted average of the three duration values for each task.
- Phase屬性表示參考的檢驗是狀態之中檢查還是下一個狀態的檢查。The Phase property indicates whether the referenced check is an in-state check or a next-state check.
- 在Project計劃中插入視頻文件Insert a video file into a Project plan
- 對Project中的域禁用拼寫檢查器Turn off fields for the spelling checker in Project
- 局灶脂肪變性區呈稍高信號。 梯度回波out- phase T1 加權成像正常肝組織島呈高信號;On FFE out-phase T 1-weighted images,NTIs were demonstrated as hyperintensity areas and FFIs as hypointensity areas.
- 默認情況下,Project使用標準資源費率來計算完成任務所需任何工時量的成本。By default, Project uses standard resource rates to calculate costs for any amount of work required to complete a task.
- 二段單純形法(簡稱二段法)「TPSM」,它是英語「Two Phase Simplex Method」的字頭縮寫。TPSM is the abbreviation of the term Two Phase Simplex Method. This paper mainly deals with dissecting of the logical structure of TPSM and the same criteria, It makes further derivation and discussion on economic-mathematical models(EMM).
- 在右側的側窗格(側窗格:顯示在Project和Project Web Access界面左側的窗格。Move focus between the side pane (side pane: A pane displayed on the left side of the Project and Project Web Access interfaces.
- 使用Project Server需要哪些組件?What are the required components for using Project Server?
- GPRS是GSM Phase 2 + 技術,它首次在GSM 網路中引入分組交換模式,將無線數據通信與數據網路的融合推進了一大步。GPRS,a GSM phase 2+ technology,adds packet switching mode to GSM network. GPRS will greatly accelerate the convergence of wireless communication and data networking.
- [BRIT] [inf] [project+] 被終止to get the chop
- 它是一個新的界面元素,用於對人們所熟知的現有Microsoft Project界面提供補充。The Project Guide is a new interface element that complements the existing, and still familiar, Microsoft Project interface.
- 探討團注追蹤技術(bolus tracking technique,BTT)和相點陣圖技術(phase mapping,PM)定量測定門靜脈血流的準確度及臨床應用價值。To elucidate the accuracy and the clinical value of bolus tracking technique (BTT) and phase mapping (PM) applied to determining the hemodynamics of the portal vein.