- What a pig head, narrow minded jerk! 頭腦多麼頑固、心胸多麼狹隘的蠢傢伙!
- A narrow place is very big to the narrow minded. 窄小的地方對狹隘的心靈來講是足夠寬大的。
- A narrow mind has a broad tongue. 心胸狹窄者舌頭寬。
- Nobody would like to make friend with sucn a narrow minded person. 沒有人喜歡與這麼一個心胸狹窄的人交朋友。
- No one like to make friends with people with a narrow mind. 沒有人喜歡與這麼一個心胸狹窄的人交朋友。
- His narrow mind hinders his having a promising future. 狹隘的心胸關礙了他的前途發展。
- He has a very narrow mind. 他度量很小。
- She has a narrow mind. 她心胸狹隘。
- They regard anything foreign as inferior, and it's sheer ignorance and narrow minded bigotry that make them so smug and intolerant. 他們認為一切外國的東西都是差的。這種徹頭徹尾的無知、狹隘和偏執使得他們如此沾沾自喜、如此缺乏寬容之心。
- No more confirmed mark of narrow minded and arrogant is than to isolate the pople who have different opinions from yours. 2思想狹隘,愚昧無知和趾高氣揚的最肯定標誌莫過於遠離和自己意見不一致的人們。
- Narrow minds think wrong that is above their own capacity. 在心胸狹窄者看來,凡是自己力所不及的都是不對的。
- Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition. 組織的有效性並不在於那個稱為理性的坐井觀天的概念。它是清晰的邏輯和強有力的直覺的融合。
- Is your mind broadened due to various disappoints life gave you or are you becoming low-spirited and narrow minded due to fear of more sufferings? 是否因生活的種種背叛而心胸開闊抑或因為害怕更多的痛苦而變得消沉和封閉。
- Far away from the people who has different opinion is the symbol for a Narrow mind, stupid and cockiness man. 2思想狹隘,愚昧無知和趾高氣揚的最肯定標誌莫過於遠離和自己意見不一致的人們。
- There is no more certain sign of a narrow mind, of stupidity, and of arrogance, than to stand aloof from those who think differently from us. 思想狹隘,愚昧無知和趾高氣揚的最肯定標誌莫過於遠離和自己意見不一致的人們。
- The petty thief got off with a fine. 小偷交了罰款就釋放了。
- In America, there are some very remote areas that there is only white people live there such as some small towns in the mid-west, and usually the people living in those places are very narrow minded and very nationalism, or to say , very patriotic. 在美國,有一些非常偏遠的地區,那裡只有白人居住,例如一些在中西部的小鎮,通常居住在那裡的人都有一些狹隘的民族主義,或者說,非常愛國。
- I believed that its behind must have a profounder reason, we should abandon the narrow mind, enters in this national basic economic reality and the point of view spirit seeks. 我相信其背後必有更為深遠的原因,我們應該摒棄狹隘的心靈,進入這個國家根本的經濟現實和心態精神中尋找。
- He was arrested for petty theft. 他因小偷小摸被捕。
- He graduated from petty theft to bank robbery. 他從小偷小摸發展到搶劫銀行。