- The petty thief got off with a fine. 小偷交了罰款就釋放了。
- The main problem is not the first offender or the petty thief but the repeated offender who commits increasingly serious crimes. 主要的問題不是來自於初犯者或小偷小摸,而是來自於犯罪行為越來越嚴重的那些慣犯。
- Look at various clownism of petty thieves! 首頁>>搞笑貼圖>>看小偷們的各種醜態!
- How can these petty thieves be so rampant? 這幾個小小的毛賊居然如此猖狂。
- A petty thief or pickpocket. 小偷或竊包賊
- You are more than just a great adventurer or a petty thief; you area leader commanding a squad of your most loyal followers in an epic quest to attain your rightful place as a hero among men and gods. 你不僅可以扮演偉大的冒險家或者卑鄙的小盜賊,您還可以成為指揮忠誠的同伴進行史詩任務的領袖,獲得英雄般的榮耀。
- So young, tight-lipped Sheppard, still in his teens, only five feet four inches tall, and very slender and pale, became a petty thief, then a highwayman, with no future to hope for except the gallows or rival's bullet. 年紀輕輕、沉默寡言的謝潑德,身高僅有五英尺四英寸,身材瘦削,臉色蒼白,尚未成年就成了行竊好手,繼而攔路搶劫。除了絞刑架或對手的槍彈外,他沒有未來可以期待。
- Petty thief flurried and more the wall escape and carelessly touch a few wall bricks to fall to the ground up, Huang Gou Zhi of Panchiao's house calls to make track for a petty thief Bite. 小偷慌忙越牆逃走,不小心把幾塊牆磚碰落地上,鄭板橋家的黃狗直叫著追住小偷就咬。
- Petty thieves have raided him and have beaten him to lose consciousness. 小偷們襲擊了他並把他打得不省人事。
- They included pickpockets, forgers, shoplifters, highwaymen, prostitutes and petty thieves. 這些人包括扒手、造假者、商店扒手、攔路劫匪、妓女還有小偷。
- The number of petty thieves and young hoodlums has been increasing lately,and this problem cannot be solved without carrying out a movement. 現在小偷、小流氓在青年裡面也多起來了,不搞點運動不行呀。
- It was a pity, that cop. Out of all kinds of dangers, he was done in by two petty thieves trying to steal electric cables. 那個交警很可惜啊,居然被兩個偷電纜的小東西給搞翻了。
- The number of petty thieves and young hoodlums has been increasing lately, and this problem cannot be solved without carrying out a movement. 現在小偷、小流氓在青年裡面也多起來了,不搞點運動不行呀。
- In the past few years, the Home Office has prodded judges and magistrates to punish serious, violent offenders more heavily, while encouraging them to go easier on petty thieves. 過去幾年來,內政部敦促審判人員要嚴懲有暴力行為的重犯,同時鼓勵他們對那些小偷小摸的人從寬發落。
- The dog clung like a limpet to the thief. 那條狗死死纏住小偷不放。
- A price of $1000 was set on the jewel thief's head. 懸賞1000美元抓住這個珠寶竊賊。
- The police worked out a plan to catch the thief. 警察制定出了策略捉賊。
- The thief was put into prison for one year. 小偷被監禁一年。
- The thief lurked in the shadows. 小偷埋伏在陰暗處。
- The thief slunk down the dark alley. 那個賊偷偷鑽進黑衚衕里。