- You each day-long endeavor, even if is only a petty action, perseveres, will be the tomorrow successful foundation. 您每一天的努力,即使只是一個小動作,持之以恆,都將是明日成功的基礎。
- Communication skill: When approaching a climax, certain petty action conduces to reach a climax quickly! 溝通技巧:接近高潮時,某些小動作有助於快速達到高潮!
- Still have that casual the petty action between, browbeating the charming of your lip ministry is soft! 還有那不經意間的小動作,都在威脅著你唇部的嬌柔!
- Lami is very originally strong, in the hand also frequently has the petty action, plays soccer very troublesome truly with him. 「拉米本來就挺壯的,手上又經常有小動作,跟他踢球確實挺麻煩的。」
- The petty thief got off with a fine. 小偷交了罰款就釋放了。
- He was arrested for petty theft. 他因小偷小摸被捕。
- He graduated from petty theft to bank robbery. 他從小偷小摸發展到搶劫銀行。
- Don't bother me with such petty things. 不要用這種小事情煩我。
- He is a very good footballer; you ought to see him in action. 他是一位出色的足球運動員,你應該看他踢球。
- He got the sack for petty thieving. 他因微小竊盜遭到了解僱。
- My life is hedged about with petty regulations. 我的生活受到一些瑣細的條條框框的限制。
- The party split into petty factions. 該黨分裂成若干小派系。
- The article is a savage attack on her past action. 那篇文章對她過去的行為進行了惡毒的攻擊。
- She grew tired of his petty jealousies. 她越來越討厭他那種心胸狹窄的忌妒行為。
- Large air and navel forces were set into action. 龐大的空軍和海軍部隊開始行動了。
- The writer often obfuscates the real issues with petty details. 那作家常以細枝末節來混淆實質問題。
- Are you men ready? We go into action at midnight. 戰士們,你們準備好了嗎?我們半夜按計開始行動。
- Her action declared her to be an honest woman. 她的行為足以說明她是一個誠實的女人。
- The engine of the car is out of action. 這輛小汽車的發動機出了故障。
- The paymasters of these petty crooks are the big crime syndicates. 操縱這幫小流氓的就是那個大犯罪集團。