- A person involved in filmmaking. 電影製作人參與電影製作的人
- Wholly involved or occupied; engrossed. 熱衷的,專註的完全陷入或投入的;全神貫注的
- Involving or representing two or more colleges. 院際的包括或代表兩個或更多學院的
- Persons involved in organized international drug trafficking. 參與有組織的國際販毒活動的。
- A relation implicated by virtue of involvement or close connection . 由於捲入或有密切關係使牽連其中的關係。
- Involved or intricate, as in structure; complicated. 複雜的在結構中牽扯較多的或錯綜複雜的;複雜的
- The Law Lords looked at two main questions: was the person involved actually detained and, if he or she was detained, was the detention lawful? 高級法官考察了兩大問題:患者是否被實際收留;如果是,這種收留是否合法?
- Museums should have a more involved or relevant public role. 博物館應起到進一步介入公眾生活或更加舉足輕重的社會作用。
- I was one of the persons involved and played no small role in those disputes. 我算是那場爭論的當事人之一,扮演了不是無足輕重的角色。
- This was three years ago, so there was no shrapnel involved or anything. 這是三年以前的事了,所以那裡沒有彈片或是什東西。
- Emergency report: Vessels are required to report any traffic accidents, pollution incidents, engine damage, injury of persons and any emergent situations involved or found. 緊急報告:船舶發生或發現交通事故、污染事故、機損事故或人員意外等緊急情況時發出。
- Both the techniques can engage different persons involved in syst... 兩種技術均能使系統開發的有關各方在系統研發的論證期內形成合力。
- The quality or condition of being rich in significance, import, or implication. 充實,深遠意義意義、意味或含義豐富的性質或狀態
- She will discover the names of the persons involved at a later date. 晚些時候她將公布參與人的名單。
- This was three years ago,so there was no shrapnel involved or anything. 這是三年以前的事了,所以那裡沒有彈片或是什東西。
- Involving or filled with danger; perilous. 危險的涉及到或充滿危險的;危機四伏的
- Involving or using deduction in reasoning. 演繹法推理的包含或用演繹法推理的
- Involving or characterized by demonstration. 論證的包含證明或以證明為特徵的
- Involving or constituting a libel; defamatory. 誹謗的涉及或構成誹謗的;誣衊的
- "This is a sport with a lot of very strong personalities involved. "這是一個體育與很多人都有很強的個性參與。