- In order to cut off Western Liao and Zhongdu s relation, Genghis Khan ordered Muhuali to attack Western Liao. 成吉思汗為切斷遼西與中都聯繫,命木華黎率軍進攻遼西。
- Green"s relation; Inverse transversal; Abundant semigroup;Quasi-ideal adequate transversal; Left adequate semigroup. 格林關係;逆斷面;富足半群;擬理想恰當斷面;左恰當半群
- In addition, through the study on its personage"s relation , have represented this personage"s activity overall picture. 另外,通過對其人物關係的研究,展現了這個人物的活動全貌。
- Using the theory of Terzaghi s relation soil pressure,the limited support pressure formula with tunnel face in stratified sandy soil is . 採用太沙基鬆動土壓力理論,根據滑動塊的整體受力平衡,推導出砂性土中考慮成層土的開挖面最小支護壓力計算公式。
- Studying in a deepgoing way to this problem, general beneficial to China resolves religion and government"s relation more well, build better harmonious society. 對於這一問題的深入研究,將有利於當代中國更好的解決宗教與政府的關係,更好的建設和諧社會。
- It\'s related to conscientiousness, your sense of orderliness, of dutifulness. 它關係到良心,你的紀律感,你的責任感。
- A person's happiness correlate closely to the family relation. 一個人的幸福與家庭關係密切相關。
- Civil and criminal proceeding s related to this incident are ongoing in both Britain and the Netherlands. 與該事件相關的民事和刑事訴訟程序在英國和荷蘭同時進行。
- However, the present priority theory of Jadeite study is based on the special theory, and it"s related less to the administrative area. 但目前有關翡翠的理論研究基本以翡翠專業知識為主,涉及到管理方面的甚少。
- The Georgian army has bombarded the Nanaosaidi control area since August 8, 2008, between Russian and US's relations were once intense. 自2008年8月8日喬治亞軍隊炮擊南奧塞梯控制區以來,俄羅斯和美國之間的關係一度緊張。
- Tracing to its cause,besides of the chasing benefit behavior of each participant,it s relational to personal morality and the relevant institution. 究其原因,除了各方參與者逐利行為外,還與個人品德是否高尚、社會相關制度完善與否休戚相關。
- Every person is accountable for his own work. 每個人都要對自己的工作負責。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那種人根本不是馬克思主義者。
- He is a very nice person to work with. 他是一個很好共事的人。
- Our reporter was the first person on the scene. 我們的記者是最先到達出事地點的。
- Assist Engineering Center, Service Department, Quality Department, Product Design Center to check the new method, new product design, new management process about EH&S related. 協助工程中心,維修部,品質部,產品開發中心完成相關的新工藝、新產品、新管理方法的安全評審。
- Jim is a warmhearted person to come and go upon. 吉姆是個熱心人,可以信賴。
- In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar. 划龍舟時每個人都拿著一枝槳。
- Acupuncture will often bring a fainting person to. 針刺療法經常可使昏迷中的人蘇醒過來。
- George's the best person to fill this vacancy. 喬治是填補這一空缺的最佳人選。