- To perform maintenance and repair of plant facility and machineries. 負責維修及保養工廠設施和機器。
- The technician has requested a time to perform maintenance on the AP DS1s at the 5ESS DCS. 要求技術人員花費一定時間對 5ESS DCS 上的 AP DS1 執行維護。
- Perform maintenance activities, include machine cycling & repair on electrical components. 實施維修保養;包括機器工作周期及電氣部件的維修.
- Connecting to SQL Server to perform maintenance and transfer tasks such as backing up databases and transferring logins. 連接到SQL Server以執行維護和傳輸任務,例如,備份資料庫和傳輸登錄名。
- Does supplier have an energy isolation procedure for isolating energy when personnel service or perform maintenance on machines or Equipment? 供應商員工在提供工程服務或維護機器、設備時,是否使用能量隔離程序(掛牌/上鎖)?
- To install, perform maintenance and clean air-conditioning equipment, including ducting, fan coil units, air handling units and ventilating fans. 同時也配備了防火設備以確保咖啡店的安全。
- Public administration employs welders to perform maintenance welding that is done on utilities, bridges, government armories and bases, etc. 公共管理部門用焊工通過焊接來提供維護,主要範圍在實際應用、橋樑、政府倉庫和基地等。
- After a database has been created and all objects and data have been added and are being used, there will be times when you have to perform maintenance. 資料庫創建后,所有的對象和數據均已添加且都在使用中,有時需要對其進行維護。
- Cluster Administrator is a graphical administrator's tool that enables the Cluster. Exe command line tool to perform maintenance, monitoring, and failover administration. 群集管理器是圖形化的管理員工具;它使Cluster.;exe命令行工具能夠執行維護、監視和故障轉移管理。
- The nature of the problems that may arise with the system in this p hase, as well as techniques and tools for performing maintenance, are presented. 實驗和例子既考慮到學生有限的實踐經驗,同時使學生了解大型軟體開發項目如何由基本的需求逐步變成現實的軟體系統,從軟體工程的基本原理、方法和應用等方面。
- The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)」 and 「Performance Maintenance (PM) questionnaire on leadership」 were used to evaluate the management effectiveness in military officials. 通過對陸軍初級指揮官人格心理類型與領導行為有效性的心理學研究,探討個人的領導潛能、人格心理類型對領導行為有效性的影響。
- The machinery requires constant maintenance. 這些機器需要經常保養維修。
- Maintenance of PC is in my element. 我對電腦的維修保養很在行。
- Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays. 現在激光可以用來做手術。
- He's taking classes in car maintenance. 他正在上汽車維修課。
- What functions can this program perform? 這一程序有哪些功能?
- Who is responsible for the building's maintenance? 誰負責這座大樓的保養事宜?
- He is going to perform magic at the party. 他將在晚會上表演魔術。
- They always perform their duties faithfully. 他們總是忠實地履行自己的職責。
- Character Performance Maintenance Scale 品德績效維繫量表