- The seats for the constituency will be distributed among the lists according to the number of votes obtained by the respective lists. 議席按照各份名單獲得的票數分配。
- This group might have bought, say, Bush securities if the price was way under what the members thought was the likely percentage of votes the Republican would attract. 舉例來說,當布希證券的價格,遠低於他們認為這位共和黨員所可能吸引到的得票率時,這些成員可能就會買入布希證券。
- What percentage of the earth is covered by oceans? 地球上百分之多少被海水覆蓋著?
- We have only a small percentage of foreign books. 我們只有一少部分外文書。
- What percentage of children were absent? 缺席的學童佔百分之幾?
- Each of them got a percentage of the profits. 他們每個人都得到一部分利潤。
- Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol. 威士忌所含酒精的百分比很高。
- What percentage of his income is taxable? 他的收入有多少需納所得稅?
- The liberal candidate romped through with thousands of votes to spare. 自由黨候選人輕易獲勝,超出選票數以千計。
- We have different sources of votes. 我們有不同票源。
- Saudi women to get first taste of votes? 沙特婦女首次可以參加選舉?
- Bush had the largest number of votes. 布希得票最多。
- The total number of votes was over one million. 投票的總數超過一百萬。
- Do you know the percentage of the damaged portion? 你們知道殘損部分的百分比嗎?
- You lost by a very small number of votes. 輸的票數非常少。
- The percentage of unskilled workers is small. 非熟練工的比例很小。
- His splendid speech swayed thousands of votes. 他美妙的演說影響了成千上萬的選票。
- A large percentage of the budget is for armaments. 預算的中很大一部分是用于軍備的。
- The number of votes cast or recorded. 投票數投票或被記錄選票的數量
- One third of votes went to the independent candidate. 三分之一的選票被這位無黨派候選人得了。