- Communication Network Technology Center (CNTC) has 4 professors, 6 associate professors, 5 adjunct professors, of whom 2 are doctoral supervisors and 8 are master』s supervisors. 通信網技術中心擁有教授4人、副教授6人、外聘兼職教授5人,其中博士生導師2人、碩士生導師8人。
- The Circuit and System Center (CSC) has 6 full professors, 14 associate professors and 8 lecturers, of which 4 are doctoral supervisors and 17 are master』s supervisors. 電路與系統中心擁有教授6人、副教授14人、講師8人,其中博士生導師4人,碩士生導師17人,是一支充滿朝氣和幹勁的優秀教師隊伍。
- Resolving the Year 2000 problem was one of the top items of the HKMA's supervisory agenda in 1999. 解決電腦公元二千年數位問題,是金管局一九九九年的首要監管工作之一。
- The HKSAR continues to monitor closely the implementation of the ATC and the functioning of the Textiles Monitoring Body, the ATC's supervisory body. 香港會繼續密切留意協議的實施,以及紡織品監督機構監察協議實施的運作情況。
- The HKSAR continued to monitor closely the implementation of the ATC and the operation of the Textiles Monitoring Body,the ATC's supervisory body. 香港特區會繼續密切留意協議的實施,以及監察協議實施的紡織品監督機構的運作情況。
- The HKSAR continues to monitor closely the implementation of the ATC and the functioning of the Textiles Monitoring Body,the ATC's supervisory body. 香港會繼續密切留意協議的實施,以及紡織品監督機構監察協議實施的運作情況。
- further perfecting the system of people"s supervisors to strengthen the supervision to nonprosecution of procuratorates" self-investigation cases practically. 進一步完善人民監督員制度,切實加強對檢察機關自偵案件不起訴的監督。
- It irks us to wait for people who are late. 等候遲到的人使我們厭煩。
- It is only shallow people who judge by appearances. 只有淺薄的人才會以貌取人。
- People become uninhibited when they drink. 人一喝酒就會變得肆無忌憚。
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 這些島上的居民是一種體格強壯的人。
- He prefers to assort with people of his own age. 他更喜歡與自己的同齡人交往。
- Some young people like to make a fetish of style. 有些年輕人喜歡盲目地趕時髦。
- We must consider the feelings of other people. 我們必須顧及他人的感情。
- Some people annotate as they read. 有的人一面讀書一面做註解。
- People get rude and whiny when they are exhausted. 人們在精疲力竭的時候會變得粗野,愛發牢騷。
- People in this locality used to take two meals a day. 這兒的居民過去每天吃兩餐飯。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 愛好藝術的人在這個國家只佔少數。
- It will be unjust to let me suffer for the folly of other people. 讓我因他人的愚昧而受罪是不公平的。
- It's a tight squeeze to get five people in that small car. 五個人坐在那個小車子里真是太擠了。