- 陰莖penis
- 陰莖的phallical
- 假陰莖dildo
- 陰莖頭glans
- 陰莖崇拜phallic worship.
- 龜頭, 陰莖頭glans penis
- 半陰莖hemipenis
- 勃起指陰莖的一次勃起An erection of the penis.
- 陰莖的象徵A representation of a phallus.
- 陰莖癌carcinoma of penis
- 陰莖背dorsum penis
- 陰莖冠vagina
- (心理分析)女性對男性陰莖的嫉妒;用來解釋女性特徵(psychoanalysis) a female's envy of the male's penis; said to explain femininity
- 陰莖挫傷contusion of penis
- 陰莖凍瘡frostbite of penis
- 陰莖壞疽gangrene of penis
- 陰莖壞死necrosis of penis
- 陰莖梅毒syphilis of penis
- 陰莖糜爛erosion of penis
- 陰莖膿腫abscess of penis