- He planted roses in the middle of the garden. 他在花園中間種上玫瑰。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰叢修剪後還能再長出新枝。
- She wrote in for advice on how to grow roses. 她寫信來諮詢玫瑰花的栽培方法。
- My father grows roses that are second to none. 我父親種的玫瑰是最好的。
- Professional boxing is no bed of roses. 職業拳擊不是一碗好吃的飯。
- My room is filled with the odour of roses. 我的房間里充滿了玫瑰花的香味。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明顯的條狀紅腫。
- Can you smell the perfume of the roses? 你能聞到玫瑰花的香味嗎?
- The roses have been in flower for a week. 這些玫瑰花已經開了一星期了。
- In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在詩中通常作為愛的象徵。
- Those roses have been ruined by mildew. 那些玫瑰已經霉爛。
- She bought some roses with long stems. 她買了一些枝幹很長的玫瑰花。
- She put some roses into the vase. 她把玫瑰花插入花瓶里。
- The roses are suffering from fungus. 玫瑰花得了真菌病。
- There is a rose bush in front of the office. 辦公室前有一叢玫瑰。
- My room is filled with the odor of roses. 我的房間里充滿了玫瑰花的香味。
- My room was dressed out in roses. 我的房間到處是玫瑰花。
- The rose sends out strong fragrance. 玫瑰散發出濃郁的香味。
- I received a bunch of red roses on my birthday. 生日那天,我收到一束紅玫瑰。
- Any nose may ravage with impunity a Rose. 任何一個鼻子都可以奪走薔薇的芳香而不受懲罰。