peg(-tooth) drum

  • 釘齒式脫粒滾筒

peg(-tooth) drum的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:


名詞 peg:
  1. a wooden pin pushed or driven into a surface

  2. small markers inserted into a surface to mark scores or define locations etc.

  3. informal terms for the leg

  4. a prosthesis that replaces a missing leg

  5. regulator that can be turned to regulate the pitch of the strings of a stringed instrument

  6. a holder attached to the gunwale of a boat that holds the oar in place and acts as a fulcrum for rowing

動詞 peg:
  1. succeed in obtaining a position

  2. pierce with a wooden pin or knock or thrust a wooden pin into

  3. fasten or secure with a wooden pin

  4. stabilize (the price of a commodity or an exchange rate) by legislation or market operations

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