- Discussion on Peasant Laborers'Rights of Paid Vocation and Family Leave? 農民工是否享受帶薪年休假和探親假?
- To date, Nepal remains a barefoot peasant labor practices, when it is only in the cities wear straw slippers. 迄今,尼泊爾農民依然保持了光腳勞動的習慣,只是在進城的時候才穿上草編的拖鞋。
- The unjust treatment of peasant labor ers has given rise to a series of social issues,which have hampered the process of urbanization of our country. 農民工的不公平待遇已經引起了一系列社會問題,阻礙了我國的城市化進程。
- As the unceasing development of social economy, we should pay more attention to the spiritual demand while caring about the maintenance of peasant laborers' economical rights and interests. 摘要隨著社會經濟的不斷發展,在關心農民工經濟權益維護的同時,我們應審時度勢,關注其精神需求。
- Peasant Laborers' Children Staying Behind at Home in the Countryside 農村留守兒童
- On Minimum Wage System of Peasant Laborers 關於農民工最低工資制度的思考
- Abstract: In the recent years, The scale of Henan peasant laborer expands more and more, which centralizes the architecture and manufacture industry. 文章摘要: 近年來,河南農民工規模不斷擴大,主要集中在建築和製造行業。
- So long as the peasant laborer cannot turn the resident, their land contracting right of management with difficulty effectively pasts. 只要農民工不能變成市民,他們的土地承包經營權就難以有效流轉。」
- The children are playing on the swings in the park. 孩子們在公園裡盪鞦韆。
- a country that exploited peasant labor. 壓榨農民的國家。
- The peasant laborer is a special group in the process of structural transformation in China, it has become a new social stratum now. 農民工是在我國體制轉軌過程中出現的一個特殊群體,如今已成為社會中的新階層。
- The local newspaper ran a feature on child labor. 地方報紙登載一篇有關童工的特寫。
- See the children ramping about in the playground. 你看孩子們在運動場上亂沖亂跳。
- the drift of peasant labor force 農村勞動力流動
- He is accused of exploiting child labor. 他被指控剝削童工。
- Based on the present situation in China, multi-dimensional modes developed in the practice remain reasonable choices for the construction of peasant labors' social security. 實踐過程中發展起來的多維模式,仍然是我國當前形勢下農民工社會保障體系建設的合理選擇。
- The nobles in turn held land that peasants, including serfs, were allowed to farm in return for the peasants' labor and a portion of their produce. 貴族佔有土地,農民或農奴耕種貴族的土地,農民耕種貴族的土地,並以勞動或一部分產品償還。
- The children walk down the street hand in hand. 孩子們手拉手地在街上散步。
- A mother naturally feels protective towards her children. 母親對自己的孩子自然會悉心保護。