- In summer you see verdured peaks rising one upon another and hear springs gurgling merrily. 夏天,您可以看到青綠的山峰一座連一座,泉水在歡樂地流著。
- in summer you see verdure peaks rising one upon another and hear springs gurgling merrily. 夏日裡,群峰疊翠,聽泉水叮咚,聞溪流鼓瑟。
- Ridges and peaks rise one after another. 峰巒重疊。
- All nations now are interdependent one upon another, and this is generally realized throughout the Western World... 所有的國家都相互依存,這一點得到了西方國家的普遍認同。
- All nations now are interdependent one upon another, and this is generally realized throughout the Western World.. 所有的國家都相互依存,這一點得到了西方國家的普遍認同。
- Now when Jacob saw that there was corn in Egypt, Jacob said unto his sons, Why do ye look one upon another? 雅各見埃及有糧,就對兒子們說,你們為什麼彼此觀望呢。
- peaks rising one higher than another 層巒疊嶂
- It takes numerous spires to be connected one upon another to reach from the depth of the sea to the surface. 要想從海底一直達到水面,必須有許多許多教堂尖塔一個接著一個地聯起來才成。
- In southwest China's Sichuan Province lies the renowned Mt.Emei.This lofty moutain is approached by rugged paths;ridges and peaks mount one upon another and there are deep and hiden caves. 在中國西南部的四川省,有一座著名的峨眉山,山勢雄偉,山路崎嶇,峰巒疊嶂岩洞幽深。
- When we say, for instance, that Napoleon commanded the army to go to fight, we sum up in one single expression a series of consecutive commands, depending one upon another. 例如,當我們說拿破崙命令軍隊去作戰的時候,我們是把一系列連續的、互相關聯的命令結合在一道同時下達的命令中的。
- multiple ranges of hills; peaks rising one higher than another 重巒疊嶂
- I can recall from my childhood memory that one upon another household would sew palm fans and weave palm mats chitchatting freely, bursting with warm and cheerful laughters. 記得,在我兒時的記憶中,家家戶戶,就著昏黃的燈火,合扇編席,有一搭沒一搭地閑話家常,不時傳來溫馨的笑語。
- The peaks rise steeply into the clouds. 高聳入雲的山峰峭立在雲端。
- One woe doth tread upon another's heel. [諺]禍不單行。
- Towering snowcapped peaks rise majestically. 白雪皚皚的山峰聳入雲霄。
- They have embarked upon another new adventure. 他們又著手開始一項新的冒險。
- One woe doth tread upon another's hell. 禍不單行。
- This plastic part is one upon that made of iron. 這個塑料部件比鐵制的還好。
- They hit upon another idea to augment their income. 他們又想出一個增加收入的辦法。
- Never trespass upon another's rights. 切勿侵犯他人的權利。