- They strove for supremacy under heaven. 他們爭雄天下。
- Who under heaven would have done such a thing? 究竟誰會幹出這樣的事來呢?
- And a season for every activity under heaven. 天下萬務都有定時。
- What under heaven have you told her? 你究竟告訴了她什麼?
- Peace is a Keyword and peace under heaven is a basic proposition in the axiology of the Yi. 摘要「和平」乃易學的關鍵詞,「天下和平」乃易學價值觀的基本命題。
- The scenery of Guilin is the best under heaven. 桂林山水甲天下。
- He is the most punctilious blockhead under heaven. 他是個拘泥刻板、仔細精確到極點的笨蛋,世上無人能出其右;
- "Under Heaven", referring to the world. 天下:天的下面,泛指世界。
- Peace reigned throughout the country. 和平氣氛籠罩全國。
- Oh that peace reigned all over the world. 但願世界太平!
- God said, "Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place, so that dry land may appear"; and so it was. 上帝說:「天下之水要匯於一處,使乾涸土地顯露!」於是就出現土地。
- Meaning a place that collects all the beauties under heaven. 寓意集天下之美。
- Let peace reign over all. 讓世界充滿和平。
- The mountains and waters of Guilin are the finest under heaven. 桂林山水甲天下。
- Whoever seizes "all under Heaven" is a king, whoever fails is a bandit. 搶得天下的便是王,搶不到天下的便是賊。
- For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. 凡事都有定期,天下萬物都有定時。
- Maybe you have heard the proverb that Luoyang peony is the finest under heaven. 您可能聽說過這樣一句諺語:洛陽牡丹甲天下。
- In the course of governing Shu,the sagacious legal thoughts he showed played an important role for the consolidation of the regime and its long and peaceful reign. 諸葛亮在治理蜀國的過程中,所表現出來的睿智的法律思想為蜀國政權的鞏固和長治久安起了至關重要的作用。
- More and more the waters increased over the earth until they covered all the high mountains everywhere under heaven. 落在地面的水越來越多,淹沒了天下所有的高山。
- There Sisera took refuge, and came running to the tent of Yael, the wife of Heber the Kenite. Peace reigned between the Kenite tribe and the Canaanites of Yabin, king of Hazor. 息色辣徒步逃到刻尼人赫貝爾的妻子雅厄耳的帳幕那裡,因為哈祚爾王雅賓和刻尼人赫貝爾的家族相安無事。