- The "Taiwan independence" means provoking war again,and fomenting splits means relinquishing peace across the Straits. 「台灣獨立」意味著重新挑起戰爭,煽動分離意味著放棄兩岸和平。
- The "Taiwan independence" means provoking war again, and fomenting splits means relinquishing peace across the Straits. "台灣獨立"就意味著重新挑起戰爭,製造分裂就意味著不要兩岸和平。
- The plane ferried passengers across the straits in half an hour . 飛機用半小時就把旅客運過了海峽。
- The plane ferried passengers across the straits in half an hour. 飛機用半小時就把旅客運過了海峽。
- It is imperative to accomplish the three links across the Straits. 實現兩岸直接「三通」,勢在必行。
- Has become an important bond for exchanges across the Strait. 已經成為海峽兩岸溝通的重要紐帶。
- The artists across the strait still has more creativity and individuality. 還是大和歌手有多點創義跟個人風格。
- The people on both sides of the Straits will overcome all the barriers and stumbling blocks by their joint efforts and ensure a better development of relations across the Straits. 在兩岸人民共同努力下,上述障礙和阻力一定可以排除,兩岸關係一定可以獲得更好的發展。
- The different social systems across the Straits,therefore,should not constitute a barrier to peaceful reunification. 兩岸不同的社會制度,不應構成和平統一的障礙。
- The strait was named after its discoverer. 這個海峽是以它的發現者命名的。
- He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在馬路對面向我招手致意。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 為了不遲到,她抄近路穿過田野。
- In October 1998,the leaders of the two organizations met in Shanghai,starting political dialogue across the Straits. 一九九八年十月,兩會領導人在上海會晤,開啟了兩岸政治對話。
- Youth across the Straits should strengthen exchange to enhance mutual understanding. 兩岸青年應加強交往,增進了解。
- In October 1998, the leaders of the two organizations met in Shanghai, starting political dialogue across the Straits. 一九九八年十月,兩會領導人在上海會晤,開啟了兩岸政治對話。
- The past few years have witnessed rapid growth of economic relations and trade as well as increasing mutual visits and sundry exchanges across the Straits. 近年來,兩岸的經濟貿易聯繫迅速發展,人員住來及各項交流活動不斷擴大。
- Cross-Straits direct air and shipping services are air and shipping routes across the Straits. 兩岸空中、海上通航,即是兩岸航線。
- The different social systems across the Straits, therefore, should not constitute a barrier to peaceful reunification. 兩岸不同的社會制度,不應構成和平統一的障礙。
- The visit completed along-awaited and honored mission entrusted by compatriots across the Straits. 此次訪問完成了海峽兩岸的愛國同胞期待已久的光榮使命。
- Lightning zigzagged across the sky. 閃電曲折地在天空劃過。