- Mr.Green comes to ask about how to pay property tax and Xie Qing answers the questions. 格林先生詢問有關交納房地產的問題,謝青給予回答。
- Under current law, must pay property taxes, business taxes and surcharges, to deduct personal income tax. 按照現行法律規定,必須交納房產稅、營業稅及其附加費之後,再扣除個人所得稅。
- Each and every joint owner or owner in-common is responsible for reporting rental income on tax returns and paying property tax. 每位聯權或分權擁有物業的業主均有責任申報租金收入和繳納物業稅。
- Owners do not need to pay Property Tax if their properties are 業主在下列情況下無須繳交物業稅
- The expense of maintaining property (e.g.,paying property taxes and utilities and insurance),it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes. 為保持財產所必須支付的費用(如:財產稅、使用費和保險費),不包括折舊或金融業或所得稅。
- How to claim exemption from Property Tax? 怎樣申請豁免物業稅?
- Yes, they are subject to the city property tax. 是的,應該繳納城市房地產稅。
- What about the property tax administration? 不動產稅管理如何?
- Real estate and personal property tax. 不動產和動產稅。
- A locally assessed property tax. 不動產稅地方上徵收的不動產稅
- The property tax is imposed only on real property. 財產稅僅僅對固定資產徵收。
- Property tax is rated at a flat rate. 財產稅以統一的稅率計算。
- It's inequitable because older homeowners often pay far less property tax than their younger neighbors. 不平等在於老的購房者繳納的稅常常比他們年輕的鄰居要低;
- How can charitable bodies claim exemption from Property Tax? 慈善團體可怎樣申請豁免物業稅?
- Total tax payable under Property Tax and Salaries Tax is 10,240. 物業稅及薪俸稅合共應徵稅款為10,240。
- How Does the Property Taxes Influence House Prices? 財產稅是如何影響住宅價格的?
- Views between :a sharp drop in property tax could allow prices? 觀點交鋒:開徵物業稅能否會讓房價大幅下降?
- With so many houses vacant, the property tax base has crumbled. 空出了這麼多房子,財產稅稅基大幅縮水。
- Alterations decoration property tax value should be the new price. 房產改建裝修增值應按新價計稅。
- The town of Argos will consider additional property tax abatements. 阿哥斯鎮將考慮其他財產減稅。