- A good organizer pays attention to detail. 一個好的組織者考慮問題無微不至。
- Ability: Ability to pay attention to detail; solve problems and handle multiple priorities. 能力:細心,能解決問題並進行多項緊急工作。
- Besides poineering enthusiasm, shi Enhui emphasizes wanting very much now hardheaded, pay attention to detail. 除了創業熱情,史恩惠現在非常強調要腳踏實地,注重細節。
- Paying attention to detail is key to Jeanette Nostra『s job. 留意細節是珍妮特。諾斯特的工作關鍵。
- Paying attention to detail is key to Jeanette Nostras job....... 發給朋友轉到小組(打標籤)收藏推薦推薦收藏商界女精英查看全文2007-09-2713:13:09
- You must pay attention to your study. 你必須專心學習。
- I hope you will pay attention to this problem. 希望你對此給予關注。
- Pedantic attention to detail or rules. 拘泥形式,墨守陳規過於拘泥於細節或規則
- Nevertheless, their errors illustrate the importance of paying attention to detail. 不過他們的差錯說明了注意細節的重要性。
- A good dresser always pays attention to detail, to make sure he looks professional. 穿著講究的人總是連小細節都馬虎不得,好讓人覺得他有專業水準。
- You must pay attention to your teacher in the class. 上課的時候必須專心聽老師講課。
- Attention to detail is the hallmark of a fine craftsman. 能工巧匠的特點是一絲不苟。
- Please pay attention to the difference between the two words. 請注意這兩個詞之間的區別。
- The stockman who pays attention to detail and makes every effort to understand and monitor what is going on in the chicken house will be rewarded with a successful result. 只有對細節注意,每天花大力氣去琢磨和監視雞舍情況的人,才會得到最大的回報。
- He won't pay attention to anybody. You're just wasting your breath. 他誰的話都不聽,你只是在白費口舌。
- Don't pay attention to Patrick; he's full of blarney. 別理睬帕特里克,他滿口胡言。
- You are too circumspect, you pay attention to every detail. 你總毫末不放,未免過於精細。
- He always pays studious attention to detail. 他總是認真注意細節。
- Please pay attention to this clause in the sentence. 請注意看句中的這個從句。
- Responsible self-starter with attention to detail. 高度負責,主動積極,關注細節。