- How can truly informed consent be achieved? 怎樣真正達到知情同意?
- Informed Consent for Diagnostic Genetic Testing. 基因診斷測試的知情同意。
- Patients have right of informed consent and medical workers have obligation of relevant apprizing. 患者享有知情同意權,醫務人員應當履行相關告知義務。
- The patients gae their signed, informed consent to participate, and the local Ethics Committee approed the study. 患者都簽字,告知同意參與該研究,並得到了當地倫理委員會的批准。
- Who is entitled to xercise the right of informed consent: the patient or his next of kin? 由誰來行使知情同意的權利:患者還是家屬?
- Informed consents were obtained from patients. 入選標準:年齡 <65歲;
- Informed Consent is concept with rich ethical implication. 知情同意概念含有豐富的倫理內涵。
- The surey asked chairpersons if their institutions had implemented informed consent guidelines for non-ER patients before they underwent CT exams. 調查表調查所有的**他們的研究機構是否有對非急診病人進行知情同意調查問詢對規定。
- Respecting patients informed consent right is not only the request of both patients and society,but it is the duty of law and ethics as well. 尊重患者的知情同意權是患者和社會對醫方所提出的要求,也是醫方應盡的法律和倫理義務。
- From the deontology,we can see the informed consent given to patients and subjects shows the respect for autonomy and person. 從義務論上看,對病人或受試者實施知情同意是尊重其自主性、尊重人的表現,是醫生或生物醫學研究者應該履行的道德義務;
- We will discuss how to do off-label treatment, how to get security for the patients and hou to comm.unicate with patients, to obtain 「informed consent」. 本文將介紹非適應證治療如何獲得批准,以及在臨床試驗過程中如何保證患者的安全,如何與患者溝通,如何獲得「知情同意」。
- Signed the informed consent to surgery is an important means to inform the medical obligation of doctors and to protect the legitimated rights of both doctors and patients. 摘要: 簽署手術知情同意書是醫方履行告知義務,保障醫患雙方合法權益的一種重要手段。
- Operation notarization is a paper form that is patient s informed consent, and it is not a contract of survival and death between doctor and patient. 手術公證是患者知情同意的書面表現形式,而非醫患之間簽定的「生死」合同。
- Patient recruitment materials, informed consent documents, and all handouts and other study materials must be written at a low-literacy level. 受試者的招聘資料、知情同意書以及所有的書面材料及學習資料的撰寫都應該適應患者的文化水平。
- A total of 217 patients with an acute myocardial infarction successfully reperfused by means of stent implantation gae written informed consent to participate in the trial. 總數為217名患者簽署了書面同意書來參加這個實驗,這些患者都是急性心肌梗塞后通過支架植入成功再通的患者。
- Amnivcentesis should be done by a physician skilled in the technique, after the patient has had appropriate counseling and has given her informed consent. 進行羊膜穿刺術應在病人經過適當的諮詢,並得到病人同意后,由技術熟練的醫生進行。
- Amniocentesis should be done by a physician skilled in the technique, after the patient has had appropriate counseling and has given her informed consent. 進行羊膜穿刺術應在病人經過適當的諮詢,並得到病人同意后,由技術熟練的醫生進行。
- However,the author thinks that the current law can resolve right conflicts between patient's right of informed consent and right of life and health with necessity syst... 運用緊急避險制度,可以使醫院在單方面施行手術積極挽救患者生命的同時免於承擔侵犯患者及其家屬知情同意權的法律責任。
- Broad privacy laws must therefore be enacted to forbid genetic tests without the informed consent of the individual involved. 所以必須制定廣泛的隱私保護法以禁止任何未經當事人正式認可的基因檢測。
- A final study population of 44 participants (male and female) began the study following informed consent. 最終44名(男性和女性)志願者參加了研究並得到後面通報的結果。