- It is essential to raise the level of urbanization gradually and persist in the coordinated development of large,medium and small cities and small towns along the path to urbanization with Chinese characteristics. 要逐步提高城鎮化水平,堅持大中小城市和小城鎮協調發展,走中國特色的城鎮化道路。
- Every day he trod the same path to school. 他每天都走同一條路上學。
- A police car jogged along on the rough path to the village. 一輛警車在通向村莊的高低不平的小路上顛簸地行進。
- The cattle had trodden a path to the pond. 牛群踩出了一條通往池塘的小徑。
- The path to glory is always rugged. 通向光榮的道路常常是崎嶇的。
- A clear view; a clear path to victory. 無阻礙的視野; 通向勝利的暢通的道路
- In some developing countries more and more people migrate to urban area. 在某些發展中的國家,越來越多的人向市區遷移。
- The path to the road is narrow and difficult, but we can squeak through. 這條小路通向大路,但是又窄又難走,不過我們能夠穿過去。
- That's no use. That's a path to someone's farm. 那不行。那是一條通往人家農場的小路。
- Her local admirers beat a path to her door. 那些當地的愛慕者把她的家搞得門庭若市。
- A new approach to urban renewal is needed. 因此,我們需要以一個新的方式去進行市區重建。
- The path to knowledge is now unbarred. 如今求知之路暢通無阻。
- The village girl was strange to urban life. 這位農村姑娘不習慣城市生活。
- They had trodden a path to the steam. 他們踩出了一條通往小溪的小路。
- The Economy from the Non - public Sector in the Path to Urbanization: Contribution, Conflict and Adjustment --Yiangzhou city as an example 城鎮化進程中的民營經濟:貢獻、衝突與調節--以揚州市為例
- The path to the church is lined with bushes. 通往教堂的小道兩旁長著灌木。
- Long and steep is the path to virtue. 通往美德之路漫長而陡峭。
- Hard work is the path to success. 努力工作是成功之路。
- We followed a path to the shore. 我們沿著這條路走向海濱
- You must enter a path to the mouse tutorial. 必須輸入指向滑鼠使用教程的路徑。