- It is said that he has became a Party member. 據說他已經成為一名黨員了。
- As a party member one must serve the people wholeheartedly. 作為一個黨員,應該全心全意為人民服務。
- In times of crisis party members should close ranks. 在緊要關頭,黨員應該團結起來。
- The issue disunited the party members. 該問題在黨員中造成分裂。
- The party members were balloted on the resolution. 黨員們就該項決議進行了表決。
- Some of the party members bolted. 一些黨員脫黨了。
- The party members disunited on the issue. 黨員們在這個問題上發生分歧。
- We plan to take in more new Party members. 我們計劃吸收更多新黨員。
- How many party members are there in that factory? 那家工廠有多少黨員?
- How many party members are there in this factory? 這家工廠有多少黨員?
- As a Party member,you ought to give the lead. 作為黨員,你應當帶頭。
- Party members played a vanguard and exemplary role. 廣大共產黨員發揮了先鋒模範作用。
- They will take soundings among party members. 他們將在黨員中間徵詢意見。
- In 1960 Lei Feng was accepted as a Party member. 1960年雷鋒被吸收入黨。
- It is said that he has become a party member. 據說他已經成為一名黨員了。
- You can Draw from party members. 玩家可以從隊友身上抽取。
- A Party member had no spare time. 一個黨員沒有空暇的時間。
- Thirty of them are Party members. 他們之中的三十人是黨員。
- This is party members howled down the opposition. 這個黨的成員以吼叫聲淹沒了反對的意見。
- "Dances" are used to heal party members. 翻譯起來和下邊有些混淆)可以治療隊友.