- parley with one's enemies 與敵人談判
- Then he began to parley with me. 然後他開始跟我談判。
- Don't argue with one who is in hot blood. 不要和正在氣頭上的人爭論。
- They held a parley with the enemy. 他們和敵軍進行商議。
- I think I can do with one more piece. 我想我還能再吃一塊。
- The general held a parley with the enemy about exchanging prisoners. 將軍與敵人談判交換戰俘事宜。
- The governor was forced to parley with the rebels. 州長被迫與反叛者談判。
- Then be began to parley with me. 然後他開始跟我談判。
- He came running here with one hand holding a knife. 他手上握著刀向這裡跑來。
- He knocked him down with one blow of his fist. 他揮拳一擊把他打倒在地。
- The top branches of the two trees interlace with one another. 這兩棵樹的樹頂樹枝相互交織在一起。
- He eloped with one of his students. 他和他的學生私奔了。
- He started off with one small factory, and now he's the head of an oil empire. 他開始只經營一家小工廠,如今已成為一個石油大企業的頭兒。
- The general hold a parley with the enemy about exchange prisoner. 將軍與敵人談判交換戰俘事宜。
- Do you spell"until" with one or two"l" s? 你拼寫"until"時用一個"l"還是兩個"l"?
- The general hold a parley with the enemy about exchange prisoners. 將軍與敵人談判交換戰俘事宜。
- They countered our proposal with one of their own. 他們針對我們的建議提出了一項相反的建議。
- The officer sent him to parley with the enemy for an exchange of prisoners. 指揮官派他去與敵人談判交換戰俘事宜。
- The general manager decided to hold a parley with the enemy. 總經理決定和對手談判,商議。
- He knocked them both down with one blow. 他一拳將他們兩人擊倒。