- Few European climbers use locking krabs on belays, but in the UK, there is an almost paranoid reaction to using open gate krabs. 幾乎沒有歐洲攀岩者確保時會使用帶鎖鉤環,但在美國,使用不帶鎖鉤環就會引起很偏激的反應。
- Could I ask for your reaction to this policy? 我能問一下您對這個政策的反應嗎?
- A paranoid suspicion that the phone might be bugged. 懷疑電話可能被竊聽的多疑猜測
- A reactor is a container for chemical reaction. 反應器是進行化學反應的容器。
- My father locks every door in the house as he is paranoid about being robbed. 我父親患有妄想狂,常感到家裡會失竊,所以總是把每扇門都鎖上。
- I'm displeased at your reaction. 我對你的反應很不滿意。
- The forces of reaction made reform difficult. 反動勢力給改革造成了困難。
- His reaction on this matter is unexpected. 沒料到,他對這件事的反應是這樣的。
- A sharp reaction; a repercussion. 強烈反應後果,影響
- He became more paranoid than ever. 他的迫害狂變得比過去任何時候都嚴重了。
- Their reaction was one of qualified praise. 他們的反應是一種有保留的稱讚。
- His initial reaction was one of shock. 他最初的反應是震驚。
- The reaction of the audience was instantaneous. 觀眾即刻有了反應。
- What was his reaction to the plan? 他對這個計劃有什麼反應?
- So Henry get a little paranoid about some things. 這樣,亨利對待某些事情的態度有點幻想狂的味道。
- The medicine produced a violent reaction. 這藥物引起了劇烈的反應。
- There's a simple way to determine if I am paranoid. 這裡有個簡單的方法來決定我是否有偏執狂。
- The programme was given a trial run to gauge viewers' reactions. 該節目進行了試演以了解觀眾的反應。
- Oh, don't be so paranoid, I am sure he won't! 哦,別那麼胡思亂想啦,我肯定他不會的。
- My reaction will be to partake in the speech competition. 我的看法倒是要參加這次演說比賽。