This process allows creating and writing new pages to take place in parallel. 該進程允許以并行方式創建和寫入新頁。
Microkernels are suitable for massively parallel systems,meaning systems that use many processors to run one application. 微內核適合於大規模并行系統,這意味著系統使用很多處理器來運行一個應用程序。
It also has been recognized that multiprocessor system architecture is most scalable to support very large databases. 而多處理器的平行系統,也是被公認最具擴充性,能支援大型資料庫的使用需求。
Through simulation and experiment, this paper studied the open-circuit fault diagnosis of the power switches in the inverter paralleling system. 該文通過模擬和實驗,對無輸出隔離變壓器的逆變器並聯繫統功率管開路故障診斷進行了研究。
A paralleling control contains the electrical equipment provided in a paralleling system for control of a single generator set. 並聯控制,並聯控制是並聯繫統中用來控制單個發電機組的電氣設備。