- He serves the public wholeheartedly, regardless of his personal gain or loss. 他全心全意為公眾服務,從不計較個人得失。
- One should not be bothered about one's personal gains or losses. 不應當為個人得失而煩惱。
- He does not worry about personal gains or losses in his work. 在工作中,他常常忘懷得失。
- He served the public wholeheartedly, regardless of his personal gain or loss. 他全心全意為公眾服務,從不計較個人得失。
- Also called unrealized gain or unrealized profit or paper gain or paper profit. 又叫未實現所得或未實現利潤或書面所得或書面利潤。
- A speculative risk has the potential for gain or loss. 投機的風險卻存在著潛在的獲利或受損的可能。
- In giving and receiving, how do we measure gain or loss? 在付出與接收之間,又如何衡量我們是得到,還是失去?
- Gain or loss that is unusual in nature and occurs infrequently. 指性質特殊且非經常發生之損益皆屬之。
- paper gain or loss [經] 紙面盈虧; 未實現的盈虧
- Convertible Deposits are subject to currency exchange risk and may result in gains or losses. 高息外幣投資存款涉及外匯風險,可能帶來利潤或損失。
- Sharp market reactions are often associated with large gains or losses incurred by market participants. 市場的強烈反應往往令市場人士大有斬獲,或蒙受巨大損失。
- Through empirical study, it explored the information content of EPS which excluding the extraordinary gains or losses. 第三章通過實證研究探討扣除非經常性損益后的每股收益指標的信息含量。
- He serves the public whole-heartedly,regardless of his personal gain or loss. 他全心全意為公眾服務,從不計較個人得失。
- Explain how much will the government gain or loss after offering the subsidy. 使解釋提供津貼后,政府會得到利潤還是損失?利潤/損失是多少?
- Cost Basis The purchase price after commissions or other expenses. Cost basis is used to calculate capital gains or losses when the security is eventually sold. 成本基礎扣除傭金或其他開支后的購買價格。成本基礎可在出售證券時用作計算資本收益或損失。
- He has persistently been doing good for the people and worked selflessly for the public interest, but he never gives thought to personal gains or losses. 他一貫為人民做好事,克己奉公,從不計較個人得失。
- Total return is the dividend plus any capital gains or losses achieved by investing in a stock, expressed in annualized terms as a percentage of the amount invested. 就證券投資而言,總回報是指股息或利息收入,再計入證券價格的漲跌幅度(即資本利得或虧損),通常會除以期初價值(或初始投資額)以計算出一個年回報率。
- At each balance sheet date, the net unrealised gains or losses arising from the changes in fair value of other investments are recognised in the profit and loss account. 於每個結算日,其他投資的公允值出現變動而產生的未變現收益或虧損凈額,會於損益帳確認。
- Most of them faced up to the hardships of pioneering without thought of personal gain or loss. 他們大多數人不計個人得失,不畏創業的艱辛。
- These gains or losses, if material in amount, should be shown separately in the income statement in computing the income from operations. 這些收益或損失,如果金額較大的話,應該在計算經營收益的損益表中單獨列示。