- A member of the panel of adjudicators may resign by giving notice in writing to the Chief Justice. 審裁員小組成員可以書面通知首席按察司,辭去職務。
- A Tribunal shall consist of the following persons appointed by the Registrar a magistrate who shall preside; and 2 or more adjudicators selected from the panel of adjudicators. 審裁處由經歷司委任之下開人士所組成1名主審裁判司;及2名或多名從審裁員小組委出之審裁員。
- My name is down on the panel of jurors. 我的名字已列入陪審員名單。
- Your name is down on the panel of jurors. 你的名字已列入陪審團名單。
- They tried to streamline the main panel of TV. 他們儘力簡化了電視機的主板。
- The last question foxed even our panel of experts. 最後這個問題甚至把我們的專家小組都難倒了。
- Gets the top panel of the ToolStripContainer. 獲取ToolStripContainer的頂部面板。
- Button on the left panel of the screen. 單擊屏幕左側面板中的。
- Panel of Judges decision is Final and binding. 評委的判斷將成決定性的.
- The competition will be judged by a panel of experts. 競賽將由一個專家小組進行裁決。
- Digital readout on control panel of roll torque in KN. 數字式顯示裝置顯示當前輥的扭矩。
- The listeners shot question education at the panel of experts. 聽眾們向這個專家小組提了許多有關教育的問題。
- The panel of prospective jurors from which a jury is selected. 全體陪審員候選人名單從中選出陪審團成員的全體陪審員候選人名單
- The name of any adjudicator may be removed from the panel of adjudicators by the Chief Justice by notice in writing 首席按察司可發出書面通知,將其名字從審裁員小組名單中刪除。
- The first category consists of adjudications. 第一種範疇包括各類法律文告。
- The panel of judges included several well-known writers. 評判小組中包括幾位知名作家。
- They had their own panel of judges if they disobeyed the rules. 如果他們違反了規則;他們有他們的自己的正義的審判團.
- A person can wait for you with the panel of the riad. 如果太遲取消預訂或沒出現在酒店,酒店將收取預訂的總價。。
- Plug the power panel of thisifc into the electronic outlet. 把電源插頭插入帶有開關的電源插座上.
- A debate shall be adjudicated by a panel comprising an odd number of adjudicators, usually 3. 每場比賽評委人數為奇數,通常是3個人,其中一位評委擔任「評委主席」做口頭評判。