- Compact and neat vegetable bed, one looked, green, yellow white, pale yellow verdant faint white, patchwork, vitality. 菜畦緊湊而齊整,一眼望去,綠的黃的白的,嫩綠的淺黃的淡淡白的,錯落有致,生機盎然。
- A pale yellow to yellowish white. 淡黃褐或黃白色
- A pale yellow sunlight threw shadows on the curtains and a faint breeze brought the hum of traffic from the distant street. 慘黃的太陽在窗前弄影,遠遠地微風吹來了渾濁的市聲。
- The walls were covered with a pale yellow wash. 牆壁刷了一層薄的淺黃色塗料。
- Appearance: White or pale yellow powder. 性狀:白色或淡黃色粉末。
- Clouds are in white to pale yellow colours. 雲層呈白至淡黃色。
- California plant with small pale yellow flowers. 加洲一種開淺黃色小花的植物。
- Pale yellow color with lemony reflections. 淡雅的黃色酒體,透出一抹檸檬般的亮色。
- Branches and twigs terete; flowers pale yellow. 分枝和小枝圓柱狀;花淺黃。
- A brilliant colour with pale yellow tints. 本品呈鮮明的淺黃色,澄凈清澈。
- Hard pale yellow cheese with many holes from Switzerland. 瑞士產的、硬的、多孔的、淡黃色乾酪。
- A pale yellow variety of crystalline quartz resembling topaz. 黃水晶,茶晶一種類似黃玉的晶體石英的淡黃色變體
- A grayish to pale yellow or light grayish - yellowish brown. 淡褐色淺灰到蒼白色或淺棕灰色
- A common mineral (iron disulfide) that has a pale yellow color. 一種常見的礦物(鐵),呈灰黃色。
- The loculi are filled with a clear, pale yellow fluid. 小囊腔內充滿清亮、淡黃液體。
- A grayish to pale yellow or light grayish-yellowish brown. 淡褐色淺灰到蒼白色或淺棕灰色
- The taste is rich and mellow, and it gives a pale yellow brews. 其茶香氣鮮濃,帶有清幽的茉莉花香,滋味濃醇,湯色微黃。
- Petals 5, pale yellow or white, broadly obovate, apex emarginate. 花瓣5,淺黃的或白色,寬倒卵形,先端微缺。