- To dishonor and curse one』s parents was equal to blasphemy. 不孝順父母和咒詛父母就等於是褻瀆上帝。
- Ylang』s parents did not like Edo. 依蘭的父母不喜歡埃都。
- This relationship of respect towards one' s parents extends to one' s attitude towards superiors and rulers. 這種對父母的尊敬關係推廣到長輩和上級那裡。
- Then He knocks the tradition of neglecting one』s parent』s financial needs by designating their rightful portion 「corban」 (a gift devoted to God). 祂特別抨擊人所訂的公義程式,也就是潔與不潔的問題。法利賽人看不慣耶穌的門徒在吃飯前不先洗手。
- In Islam, serving one 's parents is a duty second to prayer, and it is their right to expect it. 在伊斯蘭教中,服侍父母是僅次於祈禱的個人義務,父母有權利期盼這一天的到來。
- Gracie, do u know why that boy『s parent did not open the door? 原因就是這是他們丫特色絕招,犯蔫兒,看情況不出來躲著!
- Converse in painful one way street II. 疼的單行道我逆行2。
- Alan and Lucy eloped against Lucy' s parents' wishes last week. 愛倫和羅茜違抗羅茜父母的願望上星期私奔了。
- Your death will be a painful one. 你將經歷痛苦的死亡。
- Mary' s parents refused their consent to her marriage. 瑪麗的父母不同意她的婚事。
- Yells: Your death will be a painful one. 你將經歷痛苦的死亡。
- Don』s parents put the skids to his plans for a wild party. 唐的父母制止了他的狂歡晚會計劃。
- We report a 65-year-old male with severe chest pain one hour after taking sildenafil and sexual intercourse. 我們報告一65歲男性,於服用威用剛並進行性交后,出現急性胸痛。
- Betty』s parents had been marled for more than 25 years. 貝蒂的父母已結婚二十五年多了。
- Jack 's parents believe in Sikhism, and Jack is a pious follower. 傑克父母都信錫克教,他本人更是一個虔誠錫克教徒。
- That boy's parents are unmarried. therefore he is a bastard! 那個男孩的父母未結婚.;所以他是私生子
- The glare of lights pained one's eyes with their brightness. 火光奪目。
- Gregor''s parents and sister have relied on him to support the family. 葛瑞格很害怕,想對家人解釋自己的情形,卻無法開口說話。
- OY pares an apple for WR when he visits her and WR's parents happened to come. 也許邁向更成功的路是要丟掉某些特質,.;也許這樣的成功會讓我將熱情與真心丟光光,
- In this youth obsessed culture,the thought of growing older is a painful one and most of us,if possible,would like to have nothing to do with it. 在這個崇尚年輕的文化中,想到變老是很痛苦的,我們大多數人,如果有可能的話,都不想沾它的邊。