- The paediatric analgesia wheel: are you ready to roll? 兒科鎮痛轉輪:您是否已經準備好轉動?
- Paediatric posting exam...OMG!!!Scary!!!!No time for blog d!!! 小兒科考試...可怕...沒有時間了!!!!
- Has20 years experience in urology and male genital system. 對淋病、毒、銳濕疣、殖器皰疹、原體衣原體感染的診治,亦得心應手,尤其是雙向免疫接種治療尖銳濕疣療效顯著。
- EBM provides a new mode for the reformation of the paediatric student teaching. 為兒科實踐教學的改革提供了一種新的模式。
- Urology cause of China's rapid development has made outstanding contributions. 為我國泌尿外科事業的快速發展做出了卓越的貢獻。
- I would like to tra fer you to the gynecology (surgery, dermatology, urology department). 我要將你轉到婦科(外科、皮科、泌尿科)去。
- So bandaging and non-bandaging methods can be used in conjunction to give ideal results in treating paediatric burns. 兩種辦法配合使用,是目前嬰幼兒燒傷治療中較為理想的好方法。
- During 2005 there were an estimated 58 paediatric AIDS diagnoses, compared to 187 in 1999 and 799 in 1994. 2005年美國診斷出58個艾滋病兒童。而1999年是187人,1994年是799人。
- Methods 135 cases of infectious mononucleosis (IM) of paediatric unit from 2002 to 2005 were analyzed. 方法對我院2002年至2005年3月兒科收住的傳染性單核細胞增多症的135例病人作臨床分析。
- Implementation of standard sedation management in paediatric intensive care: effective and feasible? 在兒科重症監護中施行標準化鎮靜管理:有效嗎?可行嗎?
- Please state clearly the area of nursing experience, eg., medical, surgical, paediatric, etc.. 請詳列畢業后所取得的護理經驗,例如內科、外科、兒科護理等。
- Please complete this from and return it to "Hong Kong Paediatric Rheumatism Assoication". 請填妥回條,寄回九龍觀塘復康徑7號香港復康會藍田綜合中心地下14室少青風協會收。
- Buried on inside pages, small newspaper stories reported a survey of paediatric intensive-care nurses. 報紙的深內頁有兒科重病特護護士的調查。
- The health education in paediatric patients is characterized by special object,content abundant and high requirement. 而小兒科的健康教育,對象特殊,牽涉面廣,內容多,要求高。
- Objective: To discuss characteristic of pulmonary sequestration with comparison of adult and paediatric groups. 目的:通過成人和兒科兩組肺隔離症病例的比較,探討肺隔離症這種先天性畸形的疾病特徵。
- Nurses in paediatric settings often have limited and/or no formal qualifications in mental health. 兒科護士常沒有正規的心理健康護理資質。
- Objective:To summarize the clinical features and nursing experience of the paediatric diabetes. 目的:總結糖尿病患兒的臨床特點及護理經驗。
- Objective To discuss the treatment and prognosis of paediatric anterior hyphema by contusion. 摘要目的探討兒童挫傷性前房積血的治療及預后。
- Indeed, Adrian Thrasher, the consultant paediatric immunologist at the Great Ormond Street Hospital who carried out the treatment, was more cautious. 雖然從各方面看起來里斯都很正常,但他的疾病仍有複發的風險,而複發會使他再一次易患機會性感染(會性感染常侵襲免疫系統受損的人)其實,開展這項治療的大奧爾蒙德街醫院的兒科顧問免疫學家阿德里安·拉舍要謹慎得多。
- Urology: Medical specialty dealing with the urinary system and male reproductive organs. 泌尿外科學: 診斷及治療泌尿系統及男性生殖系統的醫學專科。