- Go down to the very end of the street, and you will see Hotel Domus Praetoria at number 42 on your left. 所有的3歲以下的兒童在使用現有的床鋪之下不需付費。所有的2歲以下的兒童的加嬰兒床不需付費。
- Chapter 4 mainly researches the relationship between「the Rule of Reference」and「the Pacta Tertiis Principle」. 第四章主要研究「參考適用規則」和「非締約國不受約束原則」的關係。
- This thesis insists that though「the Rule of Reference」has developed and challenged「the Pacta Tertiis Principle」to some extent, it still accords with this principle. 該章認為儘管「參考適用規則」在一定程度上發展並且挑戰「非締約國不受約束原則」,但是它仍然符合「非締約國不受約束原則」。
- pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prosunt: pacts neither harm nor benefit third parties 協定不得使第三者擔負義務亦不得給予利益
- Pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prosunt: pacts neither harm nor benefit third parties; 協定不得使第三者擔負義務亦不得給予利益;
- Catocala pactan. 紅腹裳夜蛾
- pacta [法] 無形約束, 公約, 合約