- Window size is the size of desktop area. 窗口大小為桌面區域大小。
- Always save the last window size used. 保存最後的窗口設置。
- To turn off compression for uploads, set the window size to 0. 要關閉上載壓縮,可將窗口大小設置為0。
- The window size has no meaning if the checkpoint size is zero. 如果檢查點大小是零,則窗口大小沒有意義。
- If you set the compression option to zlib, you can use this option to specify the compression window size for upload. 如果將compression選項設置為zlib,則可以使用此選項指定上載的壓縮窗口大小。
- Images and movies in a slideshow are scaled to fit the standard DVD window size, but the aspect ratio is preserved. 幻燈片顯示中的圖像和影片會縮放到標準DVD窗口大小,但寬高比保持不變。
- The minimum required window size for a month calendar control depends on the currently selected font. 月曆控制項所需的最小窗口大小取決於當前所選字體。
- This is another surefire way to tick people off; people will typically set their browsers to the window size they are comfortable with. 然而,這是一個不利於用戶瀏覽的方法,因為用戶根據適合自己的窗口型號,對瀏覽器進行設置。
- The sender sends the next two packets, but still specifies a window size of three. 發送端傳送下二個封包,但是仍然指定三的視窗尺寸。
- Firstly, the Window Size can be set at X.25 L2 (level 2, or LAPB), and it can be set at X.25 L3 (level 3). 首先,可以在 X.;25 L2(層 2 或 LAPB)中設置窗口大小,並且也可以在 X
- And we employ a fixed search window size in HLS for further reducing SAD calculation. 除此之外,我們在橫向線型搜尋演演算法中也使用固定搜尋視窗來進一步降低SAD的計算量。
- We'll see shortly how the window procedure is notified of this change in window size. 不久我們將看到窗口處理程序如何被通報窗口尺寸的這種改變。
- The receiver replies with a request for packet five and again specifies a window size of two. 接收端以要求封包五和再指定視窗尺寸為二來回應。
- The number of data packets the sender can transmit before it receives an ACK is known as the window size, or window. 發送端在收到ACK之前所能傳送出的資料封包數目被稱為視窗大小,或稱視窗。
- After completing this activity, the student will be able to understand window size. 完成這個活動之後,同學將能夠了解視窗大小。
- For example, if the window size is 1, each byte must be acknowledged before the next byte is sent. 例如,視窗大小為1,在下一位元組被傳送前,每個位元組必須先被確認。
- This window size reduction provides the receiving host less bytes to process from its buffers before more data arrives. 降低視窗大小是希望當更多資料到達前,接收主機要處理緩衝區的位元組變少。
- Each child learns at his or her own pace. 每個兒童均按自己的進度學習。
- Away we went at a slapping pace. 我們以極快的速度離去。
- The group tour the museum at a leisurely pace. 這個旅遊團悠閑地參觀這個博物館。