- War is an aggressive action of man to man independent of his own will. 戰爭是人對人的侵略行為,不為其自身意志左右。
- I am no apologist for the aggressive action by those Chinese young people. 我不想為中國年輕人的過激行為辯護。
- Not let start attack of GM in GM mode. This prevent infinity follow creature after GM aggressive action. 在GM模式下不會產生對GM的攻擊。避免了GM後面怪物無限追趕。
- Scientists have linked the regions to aggressive action and distressing situations, Zeki said. 澤克說,此前已有科學家發現這兩個區域與攻擊行為和痛苦體驗有關。
- Some lawmakers criticized the lack of details. Others said the plan was too big. But the secretary called for aggressive action, saying there was more risk in taking small steps. 一些立法人士批評說缺少具體內容。其它人士說,該計劃太大。但是,財長蓋特納呼籲激進措施,並說(如果)採取細小舉措更危險。
- As a psychological cripple, Santiago is characterized by overt aggression, sexism, passive aggression and feminization. 這表現在他的攻擊性、性別歧視、暗含的侵犯、以及女性化傾向等幾方面。
- Mr.Geithner called the global crisis a 'turning point' between the two world powers and credited their aggressive action for 'blunting the force of the crisis and restoring confidence. 蓋特納說,全球危機是美中這兩個世界大國之間的一個「轉折點」,並讚揚了兩國在削弱危機的勢頭、重振信心方面採取的積極行動。
- How can their aggressive actions be reconciled with their talk of peace and brotherhood? 他們的侵略行徑如何能與他們高談和平與兄弟情誼一致起來呢?
- Some lawmakers(立法者) criticized the lack of details. Others said the plan was too big. But the secretary called for aggressive action , saying there was more risk in taking small steps. 一些立法者批評該計劃缺乏細節。其他人則認為該計劃太過龐大。但是財政部長卻提出了極具刺激性的方案,他說採取謹慎的措施的冒險性更大。
- Japan and America have historically been the most strident in their approaches to North Korea, and Seoul has historically had the greatest reason to fear aggressive action by the north. 日本和美國有史以來,在對待朝鮮的做法上一直分歧最大,漢城一直懼怕北韓侵略是有其道理的。
- Keep in mind that the purpose of disciplining the bully is to deter her aggressive actions not to humiliate or embarrass her. 記住,對施霸凌者采紀律行動的目的,是在阻止他的侵犯行為,而非去羞辱或使他難堪。
- We must oppose aggressive actions and irresponsible behavior. But we must not seek confrontations lightly. 我們必須反對侵略的行動和不負責任的行為,但是絕不可以輕率地謀求對抗。
- The Pentagon accused China of 'increasingly aggressive' actions in the South China Sea after five Chinese vessels allegedly maneuvered close to a U. 美國海軍稱,兩艘中國艦船周日曾逼近到50英尺以內的距離。
- Translation: This hostility can lead to aggressive actions or, in some cases, violence. Angry drivers have been known to pull out a gun or cause a crash. 這種敵意未造成侵略性的行為,在某些情況下,甚至是暴力。眾所周知,憤怒的司機會拔出搶或者導致撞車。
- Overt hostility; overt intelligence gathering. 公然的敵意; 公眾智慧的結晶
- America has a lot of aggressive weapons now. 美國現在有很多進攻性武器。
- A successful businessman must be aggressive. 一個成功的商人必須有進取心。
- He is a very good footballer; you ought to see him in action. 他是一位出色的足球運動員,你應該看他踢球。
- He holds the position of 「Seceding from Asia to join Europe」, intervention of Chinese and Korean internal affairs with military means, and tries to justify Japan』s aggressive actions. 他申言「脫亞入歐」,主張用武力干涉中朝事務,爾後又為戰爭辯誣。