- He overleaped himself with ambition. 他因野心太大而失敗。
- Your carelessness will overleap yourself! 你過於粗心大意,這會毀了你!
- I have overleapt four hundred twists... 雲橫九派浮黃鶴,浪下三吳起白煙。...
- Hand wheel,lever and spanner driving and safety valve,pressure reducing valve,traps overleap this symbol. 註:1、手輪、手柄和扳手傳動以及安全閥、減壓閥、疏水閥省略本代號。
- In practical application, robots often need jumping devices to overleap obstacles or ditches. 摘要機器人在實際應用時,很多時候要求其具備彈跳裝置以便躍過障礙物或溝渠。
- Perching as after flight, the mountain towers over the Yangtze; I have overleapt four hundred twists... 一山飛峙大江邊,躍上蔥蘢四百旋。冷眼向洋看世界,熱風吹雨灑江天。雲橫九派浮黃鶴,浪下三吳起白煙。...
- The limit of shrill sounds perceptible can be overleaped, as well in the case of the mind as in that of the ear. 耳朵聽到的尖音有一個對思想和耳朵都可以超過的限度。
- The sea obediently respects its boundary, and though it be but a belt of sand, it does not overleap the limit. 但是約伯的問題得到一個令人十分羞愧的答案。人不是大海。
- However, according to recent research papers, there is a strong tendency to overleap using mathematics analysis in the study of driving forces. 目前在驅動力研究方法上還存在過多依賴數學分析方法的趨向。
- Never overleap the details! 千萬不要忽視細節。
- (8) to climb or overleap (cross) subway fences, gate controllers; (七)擅自進入有警示標誌的區域;
- " The limit of shrill sounds perceptible can be overleaped, as well in the case of the mind as in that of the ear. 耳朵聽到的尖音有一個對思想和耳朵都可以超過的限度。
- 2.Hand wheel,lever and spanner driving and safety valve,pressure reducing valve,traps overleap this symbol. 註:對於手動球閥,表示建議採用扳手,表示建議採用蝸輪蝸桿傳動。
- 1.Hand wheel,lever and spanner driving and safety valve,pressure reducing valve,traps overleap this symbol. 註:1、手輪、手柄和扳手傳動以及安全閥、減壓閥、疏水閥省略本代號。
- overleap a hedge 跳過樹籬
- a soul within our own soul that describes a circle around its proper Paradise, which pain and sorrow and evil dare not overleap. 它是在其靈魂固有的樂園外勾畫出一個為痛苦、悲哀和邪惡所無法逾越的圓圈的靈魂。
- to overleap a ridge 越過一道山樑
- overleaptvt. 跳過(忽略)
- and he was so much struck with the words which the King uttered, as it were, in the career of a passion which overleaped ceremony, that he could only reply by repetition of the words "Booted Head! 他狂亂而急速地踱來踱去,這與他一貫表現出的鎮定形成了強烈的對比。「辦不到!辦不到!讓他們把剪刀拿來,把我的頭髮剪得像教區供養的白痴一樣好了!反正我和傻於已經相差無幾了。
- overleap one's shoulders 大顯身手; 超水平發揮