- Constructs, maintains and repairs overhead line systems. 建造、保養及修理架空電線系統。
- overhead line structure 線路桿塔
- Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wire for overhead line conductors. 架空導線用鋁鎂硅合金導線。
- And it is certified that the device is very useful to prevent insulated overhead line breakage and insulator damage from lightning overvoltage faults. 作為配電線路中的架空絕緣電纜的過電壓保護裝置,可有效地防止雷害造成的斷線、絕緣子損壞等事故,避免因斷路器動作中斷供電而影響供電可靠性。
- The structures of two types of zero-sequence OCTs (ZOCT), i.e. hybrid ZOCT and whole-fiber ZOCT, suitable for cables and overhead lines respectively, are presented. 給出2種形式的零序光學電流感測器(ZOCT)結構,即組合型ZOCT與全光纖型ZOCT,分別適用於電纜線路和架空線路。
- Track-laying and energisation of overhead lines were substantially complete. 路軌鋪設工程及架空電纜通電工程已大致完成。
- At 345 kV a figure of ten times the cost of an equivalent overhead line is quoted for average suburban areas in the U. S. A., this ratio decreasing with lower voltages. 在美國一般市郊地區,引證的數據表明345kv的地下輸電的等值成本為架空線路成本的10倍。電壓低,此倍數可降低。
- Uses this product to be allowed to enhance the line the anti-radar level, the nature clean effect is good, Reduce accident rates, guarantee overhead line safe operation. 使用此產品可以提高線路的防雷水平,自然清潔效果好,降低事故率,保證架空線路安全運行。
- Familiar with the convey line structure and technical equipment. 熟悉總裝車間的輸送線結構和工藝設備。
- Conversation by overhead line, 900 miles-New York to Chicago. First commercial Strowger installation; LaPorte, Indiana, USA. Used switcher with 100 line disc-type banks. 全長900英里,從紐約到芝加哥的架空電話線開通。第一個商業化的史端喬系統在美國印第安納州拉波特安裝。使用的交換機帶有100個線路排線架。
- To meet the requirements of large-scale of oil refining equipments and rigorousness of technical conditions, vacuum transfer line structures tend to become more and more complex. 隨著煉油裝置的大型化和工藝條件要求的提高,轉油線結構趨於複雜。
- Luo Junhua,Nie Dingzhen,Zhang Jinxiu,et al.Overvoltage protection technology of insulated overhead line up to 35 kV[J].High Voltage Engineering,2000,26 (3):40-41. [2]羅俊華;聶定珍;張錦秀;等.;35 kV及以下架空絕緣電纜過電壓保護技術[J]
- Note: Certain overhead lines may also be constructed with insulated conductors. 註:某些架空線路也可由絕緣導線構成。
- On the southeast margin of the massif, the southern Tancheng-Lujiang fault and the Guangi-Susong ductile shear zone, which were inferred as "hot line structures", provided the pathways... 本區岩石以綠片岩-角閃岩相變質岩為主,含金背景值高,逆沖滑脫構造和韌性剪切帶的活動與金元素的活化、遷移和富集創造了良好的條件。
- Wood poles for overhead lines - Sizes - Methods for measurement and permissible deviations. 架空線用木杆。尺寸。測量方法和允許偏差。
- Under the explosive load,shotcrete and rock bolt support and integral lining structures are usually used for chambers in rock mass. 在爆炸荷載作用下,岩體洞室通常採用噴錨支護結構和整體被複結構。
- Rights-of-way of overhead lines in metropolitan areas are very expensive or are prohibited entirely. 在大都市地區,架空線路走廊是非常昂貴的,或根本就受到禁止。
- The construction of 220 kV overhead lines to major cities along the city park substation. 220千伏架空線路建設沿大城市公園至大城市變電所。
- Haematoma is formed, shift of central line structure is apparent person, prognosis is poorer. 有血腫形成,中線結構移位明顯者,預后較差。
- Overhead lines have more outages than underground cable per unit length, but the outages are usually shorter in duration. 架空線路單位長度的停電數要比地下電纜的多,但停電持續時間短。