- An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure. 業餘愛好通常為了個人愉快而在正規職業之外進行的活動或興趣
- Hobby: An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure. 業餘愛好:通常為了個人愉快而在正規職業之外進行的活動或興趣。
- Among third-generation Hispanic and Asian Americans, exogamy -- marriage outside one's ethnic group or tribe -- is at least 50 percent, he and others estimate. 據他和其他研究人員估計在第三代拉美裔和亞裔美國人中至少有50%25與異族通婚。
- He ran into Mr Tall and Rhamus Twobellies outside one of the vans, and stopped to chat. 他跑進大肚皮拉姆和大高先生的其中一輛搬運車,停下和他們聊天。
- My new Pa was very good to me. He had two rooms. He and Ma lived in the inner room; I slept on a pallet in the outside one. 新爸對我們很好,他有兩間屋子,他和媽住在裡間,我在外間睡鋪板。
- Perhaps it's because even Webster's Dictionary defines a hobby as "a pursuit outside one's regular occupation" (Merriam-Webster Online). 可能是因為,即使在韋氏詞典上,對業餘愛好的定義也是「在正規工作之外的追求」。
- Among third-generation Hispanic and Asian Americans,exogamy -- marriage outside one's ethnic group or tribe -- is at least 50 percent,he and others estimate. 據他和其他研究人員估計在第三代拉美裔和亞裔美國人中至少有50%25與異族通婚。
- CCTV hired staff from a fireworks company to ignite several hundred large festive firecrackers in an open space outside one of its nearly-completed buildings. 中央電視台從一煙花公司雇傭的員工,並讓他在一棟即將完工的建築物外的空曠地帶點燃數百個大型鞭炮。
- From Friday to Sunday, stuck on the windshield of the car after the yellow signs to guide the vehicle outside one store, one after another into the family. 從周五到周日,粘在汽車后擋風玻璃上的黃色指示牌指引外來車輛前往一個又一個賣場,走進一個又一個家庭。
- Photinia produced in south China』s provinces and autonomous regions in Qinling. 石楠產於我國秦嶺以南各省區。
- Firstly, backing with double-sided in-phase welding, welding method is GTAW. Secondly, after filling outside one layer,welding with SAW. Finally, weld the inside with SAW. 先用雙面同步焊打底,焊接方法為鎢極氬弧焊;然後外側用焊條電弧焊填充一遍后再用埋弧焊焊接;最後用埋弧焊焊接里側。
- No one objected outside one. 除了一人之外,沒有人反對。
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 這種葯影響人精神不能集中。
- The 29-year old Lee Westwood had a world ranking within the first ten just eighteen months ago. However, he suffered a disastrous decline ever since and his world ranking slipped outside one hundred. 現年二十九歲的魏斯伍德十八個月前的排名還在世界前十名內,但其後狀況一落千丈,竟退步到百名以外。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最優秀的跨欄選手之一。
- Doesn't her question fall outside the province of science? 她的問題不是超越了科學的範圍嗎?
- Therefore, before an electric service is started, the line must be charged with electricity. The necessary current may be carried in a third rail, just outside one of the normal rails. 因此,在供電前,必須安裝好電線,或者,電流可以通在第三根鐵軌里,它位於某一條普通鐵軌的外側。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但馬上又吐了出來。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 學校外面那條車水馬龍的大道是個危險之地。
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那隻死鹿的半邊身子都被子彈擊中。