- A precision instrument that should be found in every outdoor enthusiast's rucksack, regardless of the part of the world, activity or scope of the adventure. 不管身在世界任何角落,作任何歷險活動,每位戶外運動愛好者的背囊內都應該攜有這樣精密的用具。
- Its Icebreaker brand is popular with young, image-conscious outdoor enthusiasts. 它的Icebreaker的品牌受到了年輕、時髦的戶外運動愛好者歡迎。
- Outdoor enthusiasts can do it all in Illinois.Hike through scenic state parks and be awed by the sights of sandstone canyons and sparkling waterfalls. 每個人都可以在伊利諾州洲找到自己合適的戶外活動,漫步在國家公園,站在高處,極目遠眺,鳥瞰湖水,心情無比快意。
- "We look forward to combining our media expertise with REI's superior product offerings to really reach and engage outdoor enthusiasts. 希望通過我們專業的媒體推廣將REI的優秀產品真正的傳遞到戶外運動愛好者的手中。"
- For outdoor enthusiasts there are woodland biking trails, hiking among sandstone bluffs, canoeing in a cypress-tupelo swamp and putting along the Southern Illinois Golf Trail. 為室外熱心者有森林地帶騎車旅行, 在陡峭的砂岩石之中旅行, 乘獨木舟在柏紫樹沼澤里和投入沿伊利諾伊南部的高爾夫球旅行。
- The 2006 Kawasaki Bayou 250 ATV is great for Ranchers, farmers and outdoor enthusiasts who need a simple, affordable ATV that also rugged and trustworthy at the same time. 2006年川崎市河口250亞視是大農場主,農民和戶外愛好者誰需要一個簡單的,負擔得起的亞視也凹凸不平的和可信賴的,在同一時間舉行。
- This new OIF report provides insight into changing participation trends in outdoor recreation and highlights the activities of the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts. 這個新報告為讀者提供了戶外活動參與的變化趨勢,並且著重敘述了新一代戶外愛好者的活動。
- In order to meet outdoor enthusiasts on the comfort and shape the evolving needs, the highest annual 924 will make product innovations and design and the combination of new materials. 為了滿足戶外愛好者們對舒適和造型不斷變化的需要,每年旭煌924都會做出產品的創新設計和新材料的組合。
- The company has already supplied the U.S. military and outdoor enthusiasts with portable field chargers, largely for communication and other small electronic devices powered by such cells. 該公司已經提供了美國軍方和戶外愛好者的攜帶型充電器領域,主要用於通信和其他小型電子設備,採用這種細胞。
- I'm very keen on outdoor sports. 我非常喜歡室外運動。
- Children like outdoor activities. 孩子們喜歡戶外活動。
- I am very keen on outdoor sports. 我非常喜歡室外運動。
- He is an enthusiast about politics. 他是個熱衷於政治的人。
- Badminton and other outdoor games. 羽毛球和其他戶外運動
- He was seasoned to outdoor work. 他適應了戶外工作。
- He's not really an outdoor type. 他算不上是喜愛戶外活動的人。
- The world belongs to the enthusiast who keeps cool. 世界屬於保持頭腦清醒的熱情者。
- I thought you might be an enthusiast. 我想,你也許是個積極分子。
- He is an enthusiast about philosophy. 他是熱中哲學的人。
- An ardent devotee; an enthusiast. 迷強烈的熱愛者;狂熱愛好者