- He stole the money and sneak out of the house. 他偷了錢後從房子里溜了出去。
- He screwed the others out of their share of the money. 他侵吞了其他人應得的錢。
- He cozened the money out of the old man. 他騙了這個老人的錢。
- He was diddled out of the money. 他被騙走那筆錢。
- Someone stole the money out of the table. 有人偷了桌子里的錢。
- He steal the money and sneak out of the house. 他偷了錢後從房子里溜了出去。
- Borrowing the money is out of the question. 借錢是不可能的。
- He stole the money and sneaked out of the house. 他偷了錢後從房子里溜了出去.
- Orange Pips ran out of the money. 橘子點跑輸了。
- They screwed the money out of her by threats. 他們威脅她把錢交出來。
- Ada' s uncle did her out of the money her father had left her. 艾達的叔叔把她父親留給她的錢騙取走了。
- And was soon cheated out of the money that all he had. 他不諳事故,所有的錢很快都被人騙光了。
- He threw the money changers out of the temple area (Matt. 21:12). 祂推倒兌換銀錢之人的桌子(馬太福音21章12節)。
- He do it entirely out of kindness, not for the money. 他做那件事純粹是出於好意,並非為錢。
- He did it entirely out of kindness, not for the money. 他做那件事純粹是出於好意,並非為錢。
- I am running out of the money, can you lend me some? 我的錢花光了,你能借我點嗎?
- He underestimated the cost of a vacation and ran out of the money. 他過低估計度假的費用,把錢花光了。
- He has got a lot of mileage out of the shoes. 他已將那雙鞋穿夠了本錢。
- So, how did ability decide win or he is betted is out of the money? 那麼,怎樣才能確定他賭贏或是賭輸了呢?
- She rushed out of the house into a whirling snowstorm. 她衝出屋子走進了狂卷著的暴風雪中。