- The term of lease under Lease No.123will expire on December31,1992. 第123號租賃合同將於1992年12月31日到期。
- The term of lease under Lease No.123 will expire on December 31, 1992. 第123號租賃合同將於1992年12月31日到期。
- The term of lease under Lease No.123 will expire on December 31,1992. 第123號租賃合同將於1992年12月31日到期。
- The term of lease under Lease No.123 will expire on December31,1992. 第123號租賃合同將於1992年12月31日到期。
- Emmanuel and Rahall have introduced legislation to force oil companies to use land already under lease. 伊曼紐爾和雷哈爾已經提出議案,要強迫石油公司必須利用他們已租借的土地來進行開採。
- Land under lease or be further transferred still belong to the ownership of the state of the People's Republic of China or the collectives of laboring masses. 土地使用權有償出讓、轉讓后,土地所有權仍屬於中華人民共和國國家所有或勞動群眾集體所有。
- A Certificate of Origin under China-Chile Free Trade Agreement shall be valid for one year from the date of issue in the exporting country. 中國-智利自貿區協定項下的原產地證書應在自出口方簽發之日起一年內有效。
- Article230 Sale of Dwelling Unit under Lease Where the lessor is to sell a dwelling unit under a lease, it shall give the lessee a reasonable advance notice before the sale, and the lessee has the right of first refusal under the same conditions. 第二百三十條出租人出賣租賃房屋的,應當在出賣之前的合理期限內通知承租人,承租人享有以同等條件優先購買的權利。
- These troops,originally under the command of Comrades Yeh Ting and Ho Lung,staged the Nanchang Uprising of August 1,1927. 這些部隊源於一九二七年八月一日在南昌起義的葉挺、賀龍的舊部。
- In 1965, the Maldives obtained independence from Britain (originally under the name "Maldive Islands"), and in 1968 the Sultanate was replaced by a Republic. 在1965年,馬爾地夫脫離英國統治獲得獨立(原來的名稱「馬爾地夫群島」),並於1968年由原來的蘇丹國家改變為一個共和國。
- The poet brought up our most difficult problem: everyone thirsts for truth, but the most disputes and disasters have originated under the banner of truth! 詩人說到了我們人類最難解決的問題:人人都渴望真理,但我們打著真理的旗號進行的紛爭和造成的災難卻是最多的!
- The property revert to its original owner in1998. 財產於1998年將歸還原所有人。
- Is that painting an original or a reproduction? 那幅畫是原作還是複製品?
- Originally under the guidance of the Zann Esu mage clan, she was eventually handed over to the Vizjerei in the hopes that their strict and unbending discipline would break her anarchic spirit. 最先她聽從ZannEsu法師族的教導,不過最終她被送到了Vizjerel部族,因為他們希望那裡的嚴格有序的制度能夠束縛她的無法無天的性格。
- Is this the original drawing or is it a copy? 這是原畫還是模本?
- The original picture is in the British Museum. 這幅畫的原作在大英博物館內。
- This painting is a copy; the original is in Madrid. 這幅畫是複製品,原作在馬德里。
- Do you still stand on your original story? 你還堅持你原來的說法嗎?
- His paintings are highly original. 他的作品很獨特。
- The original owner of the house moved out. 房子原先的主人搬出去了。